Green Dog

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Me- *transports to the room* Where is everyone? *transports them all* Uhh... Ash, Serena.... Where's May and Drew?

May/Drew- Here! *run in to the room*

Me- Why didn't you two transport in here, when Ash and Serena did?

Drew- *looks away* I dunno...

Me- Okayyy..? Well, you can all say hello to Serena, she's taking Misty's place. But don't worry, Misty will be back in the next few days.

Everyone- Hi Serena!

Serena- *blushes a little* Hi everyone!

Me- Why don't you sit between Ash and May. *evil smirk*

Serena- Okay. *sits next to Ash*

Me- So I'm going to start with the first dare, and today we have a lot, so hr ready! Especially you, Drew.

Drew- If I'm your favorite, then why do you always pick on me?! *crosses arms and pouts*

Me- It's not my fault. They're dares!

Drew- Whatever...

Me- Okay, Serena since you're new, I'm giving you the first dare. That is to run outside, yes, in the rain, and shout "I AM SERENA HEAR ME ROAR!!!"

Serena- Oh boy... *runs outside* I AM SERENA HEAR ME ROOAARR!!! *comes back* ...I am wet. Very, very wet.

Me- *magically dries her off* Okay, now everyone switch shirts with the person next to you-oh... *tries not to laugh* You'll look very pretty, Ash!

Everyone else- HAHAHHAHA!!!!!

Ash- *looks next to him and sees Serena* Oh no....

Drew- So how exactly is this going to work?

Me- *snaps and everyone switched shirts*

Drew- OH DANG..! NO. I CAN'T WEAR THIS! GET IT O- HAHAHHAHA..! Ash you look like a GIRLLLL!!!

Ash- *blushes* SHUT UP! At least I don't have to look like my RIVAL!

May- I honestly don't mind this at all! Now I understand why you're always so comfortable, Drew!

Drew- *narrows eyes at her* Don't make it smell like you...

May- Why would I do that? It smells like you. *blushes at what she said*

Drew- *blushes*

Me/Serena- AWWWW!!!

Ash- Blegh! I smell like a girl!

Drew- I don't smell any different... Which is weird...

Me- Very weird... *gives Drew a look* Come here.

Drew- *walks to me*

Me- *transports us away*

*now in my officey-looking-place*

Me- Why didn't you transport in the room?

Drew- I maybe..... *blushes* Took May on her dream date last night....


*in other room* Ash- What's she so upset about?!

Serena- That was Sketchy?! She must be really mad!

May- *blushing in silence*

*back with me and Drew*

Me- And you didn't tell me?! I wanted pictures!

Drew- That's EXACTLY. Why I didn't tell you. That's also why her shirt smells like me.

Me- THAT IS SO ADORABLE! Okay. You're not in trouble. But I am going to make you do something.

Drew- Oh no... *gets transported back with me*

Me- *puts him by May*

Me- Okay next dare I'm giving to Drew. You have to give someone a piggy back ride.

Drew- NO.

Me- I'm picking for you, and I'll say May.

Drew- Of course you will....

May- *jumps on his back*

Drew- Ugh... I hate you...

May- That's ok, I hate you too!

Drew- What the frick-frack am I supposed to do?

Me- Just walk around the group while I read the next dare, then sit down.


Me- No I won't. Okay. Ash, you have to rhyme every sentence you say for the rest of the next chapter, because this one is almost over.

Drew- *throws May off*

May- OUCH!

Ash- UGHH!!! Who dared us to do this stuff?!

Me- Don't worry, yours isn't half as bad as Drew's next one... *smirks* And that is.... You have to be May's dog.

Drew- Wat?

Me- Yup. She has to pet you, too.

May- Yay! I love dogs!

Drew- I still hate you...

Me- *makes it so Drew can only bark*

May- And that's still ok.

Drew- *trues to talk* *barks* *confused* *barks, barks and barks again*

Me/May/Ash/Serena- HAHAHHAHA!!!!

May- Aww..! Come 'ere boy! *laughs*

Drew- *tackles May and barks in her face*

May- It's really hard to take you serious as a dog! *laughs harder*

Drew- *gives up and sits next to May, like a dog and sticks his tongue out*

May- *pets Drew's head* He's like a green dog! *laughs*

Drew- *gets mad* *smirks* *licks May's face*

May- EWWWW!!! *whips her face with her (Drew's) sleeve*

Me- Drew, I don't think you can win this one! *laughs* We'll continue this in the next chapter.

What did you think? Remember to comment your questions or dares, so I can make the next chapter! :D

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