3 hours later:-

i only baked half of what we needed i put the butter cream on the ones who cooled down and ready to be put in the boxs and in the ferge

2 hours later:-

thankfully i just finshed baking and now i need to put butter cream on 100 cupcakes

1 hour later:-

Justin:- Hope are you ok?

Me:- take them now before it's to late

Justin:- what about you

Me:- am just gonna sleep for a bit

Justin:- *shouted* Harry

Harry:- what happened to Hope ?

Justin:- take her to her room and no funny buisness

and that's how i was carried to my room bridal style by my boyfriend and to be honest i slept as soon as he picked me up

 Justin's point of view:-

i should have known better and helped her but she kept shouting at me whenever i tried touching anything

i drove the car with the cupcakes safe in the back and drove to the address Scotter gave me it was to suppose to be a party of a friend after i drove there i got paid 600$ since it was last minute and all i drove to the cafe i met that girl Ezzy i wanted to see her again

i walked in and saw her removing the apron off

Ezzy:- are you stacking me or something?

Me:- huh? what

Ezzy:- what are you doing here

Me:- i wanted coffee

Ezzy:- oh

Me:- and to see you

Ezzy:- and there he goes

Me:- i wanted to get to know you more

Ezzy:- fine my house is around the block you can wake me home

Me:- really thanks i will just get my drink do you want something?

Ezzy:- no thanks

i went to the counter and ordered and after few minutes he gave me my drink and i was about to walk out when this creepy out of no where held my elbow

Lady:- keep your gards on this girl isn't what you think she is focus on the girl you have home help her with her business and leave this one or else you will regret it

i was about to answer her when i couldn't find her i looked everywhere but nothing she was gone poof from the air

i walked out and found Ezzy waiting

Me:- i have to go sorry something at home came up

she nodded and walked away i walked to my car and got home

Me:- how is she?

Harry:- she's sleeping what happened to her

Me:- she got her first order and it was last moment and she had a lot of baking to do

Harry:- oh ok

Me:- am gonna call the maid to clean the kitchen and around the house

Harry:- ok cool am gonna stay with Hope if you don't mind

Me:- i don't

he went upstairs and i sat on the couch and made my calls i had to help Hope with the baking i called scotter to see if he could help more

 Harry's point of view:-

i sat on the chair beside Hope bed she looks tired but i think she is sick from working her self i went downstairs again and found Justin on the phone i called Niall and asked him a favour and went outside and found Justin still in the phone

Me:- hey Justin can i make coffee he nodded and i made my way back to the kitchen when i finished making the coffee i found few cupcakes in the oven and i found butter cream in the frige i ate one and left one for Justin with a cup a coffee i set it aside where he was sleeping and then i opened the door to find Niall holding a big bowl of what i asked i thanked him and went to the kitchen to put it with some of the others things i asked Niall

i walked to Hope's room and set the tray aside i didn't like waking her up but she hadn't eaten a lot lateley

Me:- Hope baby you need to wake up to eat something come on you didn't eat at all

Hope:- Harry is that you what are you doing here

she wispired in her sleep

Me:- am gonna take care of you come on you need to eat

Hope:- i don't feel like eating now Harry i just want to sleep

Me:- i know baby but you need to eat to get better your having a fever 

Hope:- fine but if i can't go to sleep it's your fault

she sat on her bed and i placed the tray on her lap

Hope:- did you make all this?

Me:- no Niall made the chicken soup and Louis broght you the salad from star bucks i know you love there salad and Zyan got the bread fresh from the bakery and Liam got the fever med's for your fever

Hope:- you guys didn't really have to do all that for me

Me:- they wanted to do more believe me

Hope:- oh i can 

she ate what's on the tray then slipped back inside the covers i tucked her in and kissed her forehead before leaving with the tray

Me:- btw Hope those cupcakes tasted amazing even more with the butter cream


she shout out from the bed but i held her should

Me:- relax breathe Justin did go rest babe

 she studied my eyes seeing if i was lying and then went back to the bed i went downstairs to clean the dishes so i can take home with me later

Justin's point of view:-

i couldn't stop thinking about what that weird lady said


Lady:- keep your gards on this girl isn't what you think she is focus on the girl you have home help her with her business and leave this one or else you will regret it


what did she mean by i will regret it and how did she know about Hope's buisness everything is just messed up but i think i will listen to the weird lady i needed to take care of Hope because really soon am gonna need to leave town and am not sure she wants to come with me and leave all this at least she had Harry and the boys

tomorrow after Hope wake's up am gonna take her somewhere speacial i just hope she will like it and not be angry with me Harry would want to come too i guess i still had few months left before i move for more then 4 months for the tour then i could come back home and take a few weeks off then go back

i hope everything works out for me and Hope i don't want to regret anything


well thanks for reading next updated well be in 2 weeks or more because am travling

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