Chapter 1

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      So, uh, hi, I guess. My name is Hayley Frank. I’m 16 and I now live in Holmes Chapel. Well, I don’t really know how to start. Oh I got it. So I had a great life, well, a pretty good life. Then I moved to Holmes Chapel and a mop headed guy turned my already shook up life, up-side down. So let’s start by me telling you about who I was before Holmes Chapel.

      Well, I look pretty normal, except my eyes. I have blue eyes that have a hint of grey in them. I have long, straight, dirty blonde hair, and a normal shape body, I guess. My teeth are straight, but only after a year of being brace face. I’m about 5’7, so I’m pretty tall. My skin is very pale, because I am very Irish. And that’s basically what I look like.

        So, I am a sort of nice bad-ass. I know what you’re thinking, a nice bad-ass is not an actual thing. But it is. I become mean when someone innocent is involved. Here is an example;

        So one day I was walking in the hall when this jerk named Chris was picking on this adorable boy, Daniel, one grade under me. I walked up to the front of where Chris and his friends were threatening Daniel.

        “Chris, what the hell do you think you are doing?” I asked him.

        “Just getting a little pay back, now move aside.” Chris replied.

        “Ok, but first, can you explain why you are doing this?” I asked putting my hand on my hip.

        “The little bastard didn’t do my math homework.” Chris said, as if it was a good reason to beat someone up.

        “God, Chris. You are such an idiot.” Then Chris started to caress my cheek with his thumb.

        “Come on babe, just move over.” This made me angry. I grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back, then gave him a good punch to the face. After he was on the floor I turned to his friends. “Who’s next?” They ran away with Chris following limply behind.

        I turned to Daniel. “You ok, kid?” I asked.

        “Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks Hayley.” He smiled and got off to class. So, now do you believe my nice bad-ass reputation? Good, so continuing. So I love all of my friends. They are all great and not to brag, but I’m the center of them. I love them all and they love me. They come to me when they need advice or help with anything. Don’t get me wrong, I need them too.

       They help me just as much, like when I was having THE WORST bad hair day of my life, Lisa was there to give me a hand, or a hat. Oh, and when I got in a fist fight, and won may I add, with the queen bitch of the universe, Martha let me stay over at her house until my mum cooled down. And don’t even get me started one the time I broke up with Thomas, they were all there for me with ice cream and romantic comedies to watch. So that’s my friends and their awesomeness.

       So my grades are pretty good, I keep up a 95 average, and I’m really into softball and basketball, they are basically my life. And the reason I moved to Holmes Chapel, oh let’s just forget about that, shall we? No?

       Please I really don’t want to talk about it. Really?! You are so mean, but fine. I guess you need it for the story. So, ah, one of my teachers asked me to stay after class for an unknown reason. So I was there at his desk, my friends were waiting for me outside. I was sitting there when my teacher tried to make a move on me. I’m sure that if I didn’t slap and kick him in his “man spot”, he would have raped me.

       So I ran out the door and my friends tried to calm me down. I got him arrested and I tried to keep going to school, but it was too hard to see the old classroom. I try to act like I am so super tough, but when something this big happens, I break down. So my Mum and I moved out to Holmes Chapel. It wasn’t too far away from my home town of Wolverhampton.

      So my friends and I could meet up every other weekend and they could come and stay with us a lot. My mom is an architect and takes a lot of long trips without me, cause I have to go to school. So I’m home alone a lot. See my dad died when I was four, but before that he was a drunk so, ah, yeah. Anyway, so yeah, that’s my life. So I guess I can start the actual story now.

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