Spencer slowly slipped into unconsciousness. She lost all capability to fight. In her last breaths, her mind replayed everything that had happened in her life. She watched as she was playing with her childhood friends, to the night Ali disappeared, to the moment she saw Toby's face as he turned around wearing a black hoodie. As her mind replayed the memories, her eyes began to close. She decided to just lay on the floor with her eyes shut until the time came. What she didn't know was that the time would not come. Not yet.

Emily ripped the crowbar from the handles of the shower. Her eyes quickly found Spencer laying on the hot ground, seemingly unconscious. She blasted the doors open with all of her power and dropped to the floor. She didn't care that Spencer was covered in water and that she would get soaked. She wrapped her warm hands around Spencer's naked back and dragged her out into the bathroom. Spencer's towel stayed wrapped around her body as Emily tugged her from the prison.

Emily turned Spencer over so that the other girl's head rested on her lap. She shouted Spencer's name multiple times before the girl became conscious. She slowly opened her eyes to see Emily crying above her. Before Spencer could do anything, Emily whisked Spencer into her arms in a suffocating embrace. Emily's arms wrapped around Spencer's small back so that one hand was clasped to her towel-covered side, and the other hand was caressing Spencer's head into her neck. Spencer, surprised by the sudden appearance of her friend, grasped onto Emily's back tightly. She wrapped her hands around Emily's neck and breathed in the oxygen like a drug. They remained in this position for five minutes before the both of them stopped crying.

Emily didn't say anything to Spencer. She simply held out her hand and assisted Spencer in standing up. She held Spencer's hand and walked her into her bedroom. She found some clothes for Spencer to wear and put them on her bed. Emily turned around while Spencer undressed. She didn't want to have an incriminating conversation over who had trapped the poor girl in the sauna while she was still half naked.

Once Spencer had dressed herself in a tank top and black sweatpants, Emily sat on her bed. Spencer followed and despite the largeness of the bed, was practically on top of Emily in fear.

"What happened?" Emily asked as she wrapped an arm around Spencer's waist tentatively. "Who did this to you?"

Spencer didn't look at Emily. After regaining consciousness, she realized that she had broken down in front of her friend. Spencer had made a promise with herself not to cry in front of her three best friends; they'd been through enough without her pathetic emotions. But she had broken that promise. Emily tightened her grip around Spencer and urged her to release the words struggling to escape her mouth.

"I don't know," Spencer replied with a shaky voice. "Maybe Toby did it."

Emily felt blood rush to her face in anger. Toby? Spencer's boyfriend? The kind boy she had known for years?

"Are you sure?" Emily asked skeptically. "Why would you say that?" She tried to look into Spencer's eyes, but the other girl insisted on keeping her eyes on the floor in shame.

Spencer leaned into Emily's embrace, knowing that if she spoke about Toby she would start to cry. Though Spencer noticed that whenever Emily holds her, all of the tension around her dispels into nothingness. If she leaned further into her friend, maybe she'd feel brave enough to spit out the truth without breaking down again. Emily always had a calming aura about her. Spencer loved it. It was the exact drug she needed.

"I thought A was in my house," Spencer began, her voice slightly stronger as Emily rubbed her thumb up and down against Spencer's shaking waist. "So I figured I could catch him. When I turned around, Toby was the one in the black hoodie. Not some psycho stalker. My boyfriend... Ex-boyfriend... Then someone locked me in the sauna."

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