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ALL CHARACTERS AND SECTIONS OF PLOT BELONG TO @Sheeri0h. She very graciously let me make this fan fiction as a side story to her own story, Irresistible(which is you haven't checked out you should do so right now because it's fucking amazing!), focusing on Calum and Carly's story rather than Alex and Luke's. Go vote/fan/comment for this lovely lady because she's too fabulous for you not to! :) -Carly xxx

Rated PG-13 because honestly I have no idea what's going to happen yet :P 

Carly's P.O.V.

I stepped off the bus right behind my best friend Jenna for the last time that year and couldn't help the smile that had appeared on my face. We grinned widely at each other, giddy that school was done for the next six weeks or so, and started the 5 minute walk from the bus stop to our houses.

Jenna had been my closest friend ever since I was 11 and moved from London, Canada to Sydney, Australia for my dad's job. Our family had been in need of some change and we all loved hot weather so we decided that Sydney would be the ideal place for us!

Since we had lived in the country for our entire lives, our family decided that the outskirts of Sydney would be he best option for us and we ended up getting a really nice house that had a path chiseled into a rock cliff leading down to the beach. Jenna's house was fairly similar and was the house to the right of ours, explaining why we had become such good friends.

Our personalities were pretty similar with the both of us being loud, kind, crazy people who just like to have fun and make the most of their lives. That's where the similarities ended though. Jenna had straight blond hair, I had wavy red hair. Jenna was 5'10" and I was just over 5'4". She had tan skin while I(much to my displeasement) had fair skin. She had hazel eyes while I had blue. She was born in January while I was born in June. Jenna was an only child while I had a twin sister and a brother two years younger than us. Jenna prefered the quiet, relaxing moments in life while I craved adrenaline rushes and did competitive gymnastics.

My mum called Jenna "the triplet my sister and I had been missing" which I guess is fair enough considering if she's not at our house, we're at hers.

Anyways, back to the subject of school being over...well, school and I didn't really get along per say. It's not like I was a bad student or anything, I just didn't necessarily see the need to get up early and go to a place that was supposed to "enlighten young minds" and "teach lifelong skills" when in reality it was a place for half asleep teenagers to waste paper writing down lessons they would never actually use other than in that specific class.

Either way, I was free for about six weeks which I would most likely spend staying up until the early hours of the morning then sleeping in until past noon, going to the beach with my friends and of course checking up on everything that my favourite band 5 Seconds Of Summer were doing.

Not to sound like one of those creepy fan girls or anything! I mean, yeah, I'm a fan girl and everything but I actually believe in a little thing called privacy and giving space which judging off the last video of 5SOS getting mobbed, not everyone else does. I guess you could partially blame Ashton, Calum, Luke and Michael for it all considering they're all super talented and attractive! I mean really, how could you not end up loving their crazy personalities and amazing songs?

I had been so caught up in my thoughts that I hadn't even noticed that Jenna was rambling on about everything we should do that summer. She always rambles when she's excited. I let her finish, adding my opinion whenever possible, which wasn't very much considering she talks a lot, as we walked down the sidewalk towards our houses.

When we got there we said goodbye before I invited her over later to watch some movies and talk more about our summer plans once she was finished with her art class. We then split up, going into our respective houses.

Once I had unlocked the door and walked inside I dropped my school bag on the bench that was just inside the door and kicked my shoes off into the closet.

I went to the kitchen to get something to eat and ended up grabbing a bowl of multi grain Cheerios. Yeah, I was having Cheerios at 2:45 in the afternoon! I blame Jenna for getting me hooked on them after having so many sleepovers at her house with no other cereal. I shrugged and grabbed the bowl before heading up to my room where I proceeded to carefully sit on my bed. I turned on my iPod that was currently in a dock and started blaring With Ears To See And Eyes To Hear by Sleeping With Sirens.

I turned on my laptop and as I waited I ate my Cheerios, singing along to the song between spoonfuls. Once it was awake I opened up twitter and checked my mentions. I responded to the tweets I had gotten then checked all of the boys' profiles for new tweets. I noticed that they had said they would be recording all week right here in Sydney.

I nearly spit my Cheerios all over my laptop but managed to swallow them before screaming in excitement.

If I could go that would mean I would get to see the boys again! 

I tweeted out this new information needing to share it with someone. I was over the moon and realized that if I was going to be meeting them in three days I would need to start preparing myself so that's exactly what I did for the four hours until Jenna came over and we proceeded to freak out together. 

The next three days couldn't pass soon enough!

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