"You mean like snakes? No." I chuckle.

"You don't like snakes?"

"Snakes are nasty and ugly slithery things!" she got scared.

"Some are totally harmless you know, not all are deadly."

"I know, I'm just scared of them and I don't like them" I look down and think of another animal she likes.

"You like Giraffes?"

"Yeah, they're necks so tall." I giggle at her. She's so cute to me and very funny. "I have some animals myself..."

"You do?"

"Yup...It would be a pleasure for you to come to my parents house and see them" I smiled.

Lauren's POV

  I started to blush my butt off. He asked me to come over to his parents house. I thought about it, it was just his family house. I mean we're not getting married but I love to meet his parents though.

"I would love to come to your house." 

"Great" he smiled. "What your address?" I gave him my address to my house and he said, "Really? you're just right around the corner, I can walk to your house and walk back"

"Well,  when could I come over?" I said with my hand on the plate of nachos.

"This weekend..." he said as his hand met mine. I felt fireworks in my body, he pulled away as I did, I could just tell from his face that he had a crush on me like I had a crush on him.

  We continued exploring around the zoo, then Michael wanted to take me somewhere. So I went to look for my dad to tell him Michael will drop me home.

  After the day was over, Michael took me home. "I had a nice time Michael." I smiled.

"I did too..."

"So, I guess you see me tomorrow?"

"Yup.." he nodded. "Wait, I need you phone number.." I giggled and wrote my number down on a piece of paper and gave it to him. "see you tomorrow...you might get a call from me" he winked.

I got out the car, and went to the front door. I turned around and waved goodbye to him. I opened the door and went inside.

"Mom dad! I'm home!" I yelled out. I got no answer, "Mom, Dad?!" I found a note left on the coffee table, they went out on a dinner, but more likely a date. Oh well, I guess I'm home alone for awhile. I went upstairs to change into my little shorts and my little tank top. I wrap my hair up in a ponytail and lay in bed watching tv. The phone rang in my room, I reached over and answered it.


"Het, it me...Michael" I heard a soft voice. I sat up and smiled so wide you can see it from behind.

  We talked on the phone for two hours now. We really got to know each  other better now. Talking to Michael made me feel more comfortable, it's like I can talk to him about anything and everything to him and he listens.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm writing a song..."

"What is the song about?"

"Heart breaking..." I stayed silent for a moment as I played with the phone cord.

"What it called?" I asked.

"She's Out Of My Life... I could sing it for you if you want..."

"Sure" I grin. I heard him clear his throat before he signed.

Just A Little Bit Of YouDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora