Chapter Four

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A/n: hello my wonderful readers! I'm really excited by how this story took off and I am telling you now, for the sake of my story, there may be a few things skipped over (talked about yet not seen). It will still stick mainly to the show though lol anyways here is chapter four of My Only Weakness :)
Daryl had healed up pretty well, as the next day he was already trying to leave the bed, much to Hershel's disapproval. I had to give him credit though, he was determined.

I had visited him once or twice during the day, bringing him up on what had happened since he'd been in the house. He seemed calmer around me than most the others, and even listened when I told him to stay in bed, which surprised Rick and Hershel.

"I think he's got a soft spot for you." Rick teased as I came out of the house. He was leaning up against the side of the porch, his son Carl standing beside him. I shook my head, giving him a look that deemed his statement crazy. "You just have to be patient with him. He comes around," I responded, reaching out to ruffle the young boy's hair.

"Oh, and Daryl requested that if he's not allowed to do anything but rest that he can be in his own tent." I told Rick, who scratched his forehead in thought. He looked back at me, "I'll discuss it with Hershel, thanks for letting me know."

I nodded my head before heading to the small camp our group made up. Carol greeted me with a kind smile, and I returned the gesture before sitting down by the dim fire.

Hershel had allowed Daryl to stay in his tent, and Daryl was physically relaxed as Rick helped him to get there. He found me by the fire, and our eyes connected for a brief moment before he entered his tent.

I looked around and, after coming to the conclusion no one would notice, stood up and quietly made my way to him. Once I was standing outside the tent, I whispered, "Daryl, can I come in?" I waited a moment before the tent's zipper was let down, and the flaps opened up to reveal Daryl looking up at me.

I smiled and slipped through the opening, sitting on the floor as he zipped it back up. I watched as he fidgeted, laying back on the mat using his arm to prop himself up. He finally looked at me, "Thank you." he mumbled, voice guff.

I nodded my head, "I wanted you to be comfortable, and even though the bed at the house is in fact more comfortable, if this is where you wanted to be then you should be here." I explained softly playing with my hands.

He watched me silently. "Why were ye alone out there? When I found ye." he asked, and I stopped to look up. "I lost my family a while back...was able to hide for a good while, but ran out of food." I told him, hoping I wouldn't have to get into much detail.

"I have a brother. Rick handcuffed'm to a pipe on a roof. When we went to get him we found his hand." My eyes widened at this newfound knowledge. "So he's alive?" He shrugged his shoulders, "Dunno, he ain't found us yet."

I frowned at his statement...he didn't seem as upset as normal siblings would be. "That's sad," I mumbled softly, and he glanced over at me. "Merle's an ass. Nobody liked him."

I looked up at him, "If he's anything like you, I don't think he could be that bad." He met my gaze quickly, eyes holding mine. "I ain't nuthin like him." I froze under his stare, but eventually nodded. "I believe you...was only a theory."

His face relaxed and he let out a sigh, "I should get some sleep." I nodded and shuffled to my feet, unzipping the tent. I looked back at him. "What you did for Sophia, was more than anyone else did. You are just as good as Rick and Shane." He looked at me for a moment, before nodding his thanks, and I stepped out of the tent.

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