Twins Revealed

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"So..." I say, bored. I'm seated at the bright yellow dinner table. I can tell you now, it's a poorly furnished kitchen. Cade and Jason are rushing around, preparing whatever it is we're gonna have for dinner.

"So... what?" Cade laughs, grabbing a cookbook after pinning her brunette hair behind her ears. Jason flashes an award winning smile at the two of us before continuing to get out needed ingredients. I fiddle with the newspaper on the table, left there from this morning.

"I was wondering, have Ryker and Scout ever... seemed...?"

"In love?" Jason finishes for me. I look at the black haired man in shock. From what I can tell, Jason doesn't exactly enjoy the company of Ryker. And Scout is like one of his little sisters. I think he looks at all of us like his siblings, except for Ryker. He looks at him as more of an annoying cousin. But when he says this, he seems amused more than annoyed. I open my mouth to comment but Cade speaks before I can.

"Yeah we've noticed. In fact we've been meaning to ask you something." she sets down the pan she was holding and grabs a piece of notebook paper from a container set on the counter. When she set it out in front of me, I'm shocked.

Bet sheet :

Who will win the wrestling match? Ryker or Scout.

Cade says Ryker for five. Jason says Scout for Five .

-$5 +$5 .

Who will win the election? Obama or Mitt romney? .

Cade says Obama for 20 Jason says Mitt Romney...:( .

+$20 -$20 .

Who will start Rykout? Ryker or Scout? .

Cade says Scout for 30 Jason says Ryker for 30 .

"You guys are... betting?" I say stunned. Cade giggles a little at my surprise and grabs a pen off the counter.

"Yep. And If you want to join in, feel free." She offers, handing me the pen. I grab it quickly and scribble my bet down. (Seth will make them a couple) And give the brunette her paper and pen back. She takes it and skillfully hides it on the counter.

"So, what will you do if Scout or Ryker actually finds this?" I question causing Jason to snort.

"We will buy train tickets and get as far away from here as possible." I chuckle at his comment before realizing something.

"Where are the ticking time bombs away?" I saw Scout this morning at breakfast and Ryker and I went to the park together. It was fun, but because it was the weekend, kids were everywhere and we couldn't have a nerf gun fight like we wanted to. Jason doesn't look up from the water he's boiling while he answers.

"They're out, getting groceries." I almost choke on air when I imagine those two at the grocery store. The only reason Scout probably came along was to make sure Ryker didn't just come home with six tubs of ice cream. Even though it's winter, he would definitely do that. And she probably went because she's totally in love with him, and he's in love with her, but whatever.

I sit there for a moment watching them cook before I retreat to look at the newspaper. What I see surprises me. Lately, people have been moving from cities all over the world and disappearing. No one knows where they're going or how they could have disappeared. The people sell their homes but don't buy new ones.

People sell their cars and rent new ones. But they are never seen again. Which also means that rental car dealers aren't very pleased. The whole world is trying to figure out what the hell is going on.

Some people think it's something to do with the Bermuda Triangle, others think it's something to do with the Illuminati. I think the Imperium wants some members to come back. Who really knows?

A few minutes pass of me reading comic strips and Jason and Cade cooking, until there's a knock on the door.

"That's weird, usually Ryker and Scout just come through the fire escape." Cade mutters. She looks at Jason and I curiously. "Did either of you invite over guests?" I look at Jason shaking my head. I don't really know anyone I would Invite over. It seems pointless. Jason shakes his head as well.

"It's a work night for me. Why would I invite people over?" We all look at each other in silence before the person outside our door knocks again.

"We can't just leave them standing there." Cade spouts, ripping off her apron and grabbing Jaason by the hand to open the door. "Seth, watch the food for us will ya." I look at them in desperation.

"But I..." Before I can finish, there out of the kitchen. "Stupid cooking." I mutter.

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