Raph x Reader: A Different Girl Than You Knew

Start from the beginning

"What are we gonna do with 'em when she wakes up?" The hothead asked, crossing his arms over his chest but not taking his gaze off of your body as if he was just waiting for you to turn into a Kraang droid.

"They're staying here." Leo said as he walked up, stopping next to his angry brother to look down at you as well. "Her little brother said that (Y/s/n) died saving them... They're my responsibility." He spoke seriously, looking at Raphael with pain in his blue eyes. While he wouldn't have ever acted on them, the leader of the turtles had returned the feelings for your oldest sister. When they had left town, Leo couldn't stop thinking about what might happen to her and you and your little brother.

As if on cue, your eyes squinted, closing tighter for a moment before slowly fluttering open. It was hard to make out anything at first, your vision was a bit blurry and you were still feeling kind of dizzy. What had happened again? Where were you? The memories resurfaced and you gasped, shooting up into a sitting position and looking around with wide, frightened eyes. The expression of complete terror on your face caused Raph to cringe. You use to laugh in dangerous situations. Use to tell anyone they better not mess with you because he and his brothers would go save you.

Now you looked like he was the one who would attack you.

That stung.

"(Y/n), it's alright. It's okay." Donnie spoke, holding his hands out to you like a human would while approaching a scared animal. Your eyes flickered to the purple masked turtle and the fear turned into overwhelming relief. You started crying as you jumped from the couch and wrapped your arms around Donatello, body trembling.

"Oh thank God you're alright. I was so worried you guys had been captured by the Kraang." You mumbled out, slowly letting go. "My brother! Wh-"

"He's with Mikey." You were cut off only to be reassured and you smiled a bit, looking over to see it was true. Mikey was on the floor playing with your little brother, who looked absolutely giddy. It was a sight you hadn't seen in months. The relief almost caused your body to topple over, but you felt strong, steady arms wrap around you and keep you upright.

"Clumsy as ever, are ya, (Y/n)." The voice was deep in your ear, and you shivered a bit, cheeks heating up as your brain registered exactly who had caught you. You turn your head to confirm what you already knew as true only to become completely at awe with what you saw. You hadn't seen the red-masked turtle in months. So seeing him now... seeing the dark green shade of his skin against the bright red mask, seeing the light green of his eyes, the smirk on his lips. Your bottom lip trembled as you fought oncoming tears.

"Raph!" You wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your face in his shoulder. "You're okay." You couldn't help it. Your relief was massive at the moment. They were all okay. You were okay. Your little brother was okay. Everything was working out. In the end it'd be alright.

"'Course I'm okay. Now get off me!" Raph replied, sounding a bit annoyed.

"R-Right." You stutter out, feeling a little self-conscious about yourself. You had forgotten that Raph had always had a special hatred for you. And you had never gotten to figure out what about you made Raph so agitated. "Sorry." You let go and took a few steps back, staring at the ground.

"Nothin' to be sorry 'bout." Raph grumbled in reply, a result of the look Donnie had given him that clearly said he should reassure you. He normally wouldn't have even cared, but you did just go through a traumatic experience. He and his brothers had survived the invasion by skipping town. You had stayed for all of those months and survived all on your own. He was quite impressed, given how quiet you usually were.

"Right..." You mumble out awkwardly before you glance over to Leo, meeting his blue gaze.

"(Y/n), I understand you just woke up and you've been through a lot, but I need to ask you about the Kraang." He said, sounding apologetic. You just nodded your head and flashed the dark green turtle an understanding smile and then shyly glanced at Raph for a second before you headed over towards Leo and sat down next to him.

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