“I turned around and I saw Hayley. She was scared, holding the rifle in her trembling hands. I tried to convince her that I meant no harm, but she didn’t believe me of course.

“She almost shot me, but I made the stupid mistake of telling her I’d do anything. I had this idiotic mentality that you would come back to me one day,” Weston laughed nervously, scratching the back of his neck. I was happy he wasn’t looking at me because my mouth flew open in shock. I was shocked from the story he was currently telling and the statement he just announced.

“Anyways,” he continued. “Hayley lowered her gun and asked me to do her one favor. She had a boyfriend who was abusive. She told me she broke up with him. He kept coming to her house when her dad wasn’t home to beat the shit out of her. She eventually asked me to be her fake boy friend to scare her ex away. I was a werewolf, so she thought I would be able to protect myself if this guy came after me. I agreed. I mean, I didn’t want to die. She knew what I was. Her father was the maker of those weapons. She could nark on me and they would hunt me down. They would’ve killed the pack.

“After a few encounters with her ex, Hayley seemed to get a little clingy and attached. She’d show up everywhere. She’d call countless times. She came here one night when I didn’t reply to any of her calls or texts. Jade answered the door and introduced herself as my sister. I tried telling Hayley that I wasn’t interested, but she’s a fucking psycho. She threatened to kill Jade if I didn’t ask her to be my girl friend.

“I’d never live with myself knowing my sister was dead because of me. I didn’t have much options so I reluctantly agreed.

“I didn’t want the pack knowing I was dating Hayley. She wasn’t special. She didn’t matter. I didn’t want them to find out she was the hunter’s daughter, but Jade made the unambiguous choice of introducing Hayley to the pack.

“After dinner that night, she wanted to have sex. Again, she threatened my whole pack and me. It was practically rape and I was fucking scared. It was hard, but thoughts of you kept flooding my brain and the whole time, I was thinking of you. Just you. I was a pussy. I freaking cried. Could you believe that? I cried when I had sex with somebody that wasn’t you.

“After that night, I wanted to kill her. It sounds horrible, I know, but she was crazy and I couldn’t stand it any longer. I wanted to turn her in for practically raping me, but Hayley was pretty good at lying and I found out who her father was.

“Her father was the freaking maker of those weapons. She could open her big mouth to him and have my pack and I killed in a matter of seconds. I was scared at first, but I decided to use Hayley as an advantage to investigate.

 “I joined the hunting team, but I didn’t do any hunting. I got rogues to team up with me and join the team as well. If they decided to attack us, we could attack them before they could reach us. I’ll do what it takes to protect my pack and my family.”

I had a hard time digesting all of the information. A lot of questions were swarming in my head, but I had a hard time voicing them out. I didn’t know which ones to ask first. I didn’t even know what to say. The whole room was spinning.

How could I not know that my mate was suffering? It was because I was too busy drowning in self-pity to even realize the pain of my own mate.

I thought Hayley was a normal, average, real, and kind-hearted girl. Looks could be deceiving. She was nothing but a psycho freak.

Weston was right. I thought I knew everything, but I didn’t. I assumed the worst from him and I felt so guilty for not having faith in him.

I trusted people I didn’t even know instead of trusting the man I loved.

Weston’s shoulders were slumped as he stared at his dark carpet with tired eyes. He was stressed and he was in trouble. He couldn’t do anything about it. Nothing pained me more to see him so helpless.

I was so stupid and naïve. He did everything to protect us and everyone looked at him negatively because they didn’t know the whole story. I mentally slapped myself for believing he was the bad guy too.

After an agonizing long silence, I sighed. He was risking everything for us. I wanted to help him more than anything. “Weston, what do they want?” I whispered.

He still didn’t look at me. “Forget it, Danny,” He said without room to dwell on it. “Just know that I’m truly sorry for everything.”

I gulped. Only now, I chose to believe it. I felt beyond guilty that he had to explain everything just so I could deem that his apology meant something.

Everything clicked into place now. Why he still had our picture by his bed. Why he still looked at me with adoration. Why he spent so much time concerned over my feelings about my mother. Why he kept apologizing.

I assumed he still loved me.

I hoped so.

“I’m sorry, Wes,” I whispered, playing with the tips of my brown hair. “I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry for being an a-hole towards you. I’m sorry for Hayley. I’m sorry for everything and anything.”

“We’re both at fault,” he said. He looked up, finally meeting my eyes.

“Do you still love me?” I blurted, feeling the butterflies flutter furiously in my stomach. I felt like a fifteen year old who’s crush just smiled at her.

My heart pounded hard against my rib cage when his blue eyes melted. The answer was clear from the way he stared at me.

“More than anything in the whole damn world,” Weston smiled genuinely. “I still lobe you, Daniella Saunders and I’ve missed you so damn much.”

I felt like I was floating when I walked to where he was sitting. I smiled brightly as I stood in between his legs, running my hands through his black hair and resting them on his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to his body. I inhaled his scent deeply, pressing my forehead against his while I got lost in his blue eyes.

“I lobe you too, Dot,” I whispered, smirking. “So much that it hurts.”

I crashed my lips onto his familiar warm ones.

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