New York, the big apple of my heart: Chapter 30

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Hello you fabulous people out there reading this!

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This chapter is dedicated to secretadmirer2011, who we all welcome in the world of Wattpad.

I'll leave you with my juicy story...



Then it hit me.

If I could gain his trust, I could maybe get out of that rat trap safe, not raped, it no time. But I had to act well, and act fast.

As Brad was about to arrive to my panties to take them off, I moaned:

"Wait wait wait, wait just a minute.""

"What's wrong, Sexy?" Brad said, going up to kiss my mouth and neck, abandoning my panties.

Whoa. I felt relieved. But the worst part was coming up. Now.

"Braddy," I said in a flirty voice, at least trying to sound as flirty as I could despite the fear that was growing in me, playing with his curly hair. "I hate to have the man on top of me. I like to be on top."

"Oh, Sexy, you wanna rule?"

"Yep, and I'll make you a gift if you let me."

"Suuure baby. You can strip if you want."

"Oh no, even better. Just close your eyes and count to a hundred."

One, two, three, four... Brad began counting, his eyes shut, waiting for some crazy show.

I took out my phone, still looking at Brad so that he wouldn't pick on me as I texted Dom for help. Directly, I typed:

SOS, b ing nearly raped. Come, now.

I opened slowly the door. There was a marker that indicated the name of the road.

I am on Farber Street. Hurry up, I can't take it much longer

I sent it.

Brad had arrived to seventy already. I hadn't listened enough to notice if he had cheated and skipped a dozen of numbers.

I took off my dress. It was the only thing I could do. I could have run away, but I would have been even more lost and Brad would have surely caught me. It was way better to wait for help to come, even if I had to lose the last bit of dignity that was left.

I went on top of Brad and began kissing his neck. He turned around, and, seeing my breasts in his face, groaned with pleasure.

"Oh, Sexy, what a great surprise, really."

He began kissing my boobs. It felt horrible. All the pleasure that I had had with Dom had all fade away.

"Oh yes, oh yes!" I faked the excitement.

Brad was in paradise, hiding his face in between my breasts, his hands on my bare back, going up and down of excitement.

And suddenly, help came, opening the door on me, in my dark blue bra and panties, and under me a drunk, unknown, crazy guy that was licking my skin.

I got off Brad, rushed to pick up my dress, as Help jumped on Brad and began punching him, hard, hard, causing a terrible nosebleed.

To my great surprise, Help wasn't Dom.

Help wasn't even blond.


New York, the big apple of my heartNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ