New York, the big apple of my heart: Chapter 19

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Hi there!

So I was thinking that I should update some chapters before going on vacation, because there might be no Wattpad for me there :(

Anyway, I dedicate it to samantham98, who is really nice and will be putting a story of her own soon I hope.

Enjoy your reading!


The next day was a typical day for us.

"Hi sugar! Merry Christmas!" Mom said, kissing me on the cheek.

"Merry Christmas to you too, Mom." I sat down and drank my hot chocolate. "You know, Mom, I'm really happy now that you've changed. I mean, you are making such an effort to make me happy."

"Morning!" we heard a man's voice.

I turned back and saw Dave. He was invited to our dinner party yesterday...but I thought he had left, and I was the one to open for him the door when he left.

"Hi Dave!" Mom said, tidying her blonde hair and adjusting her PJs. "Dave's car stopped on his way home not far from here, and no one could help know, christmas eve..." she said to me, seeing the weird look I had on my face.

"Merry Christmas to both of you!" he said, hugging Mom then me.

"Honey, we're missing milk, could you ask your friend Lizzie if she can give us some for dave?"

"Sure. Just let me go wear more appropriate clothes."

I went back to my room to get dressed. I turned on my phone and received a message:

Merry Christmas Em! I'm really sorry for the last time - hiding from your mom was a complete disaster - anyway, I'm at the airport, we're flying to my grandparents' house in France for Christmas, and I wanted to apologise because I won't be able to take you to the New Year's Eve Party at the school. I love you, Dominic

Aw, that's nice of him.

I went out to the next building where the Thompsons lived. I knocked at the door. It was 10 AM, they would most probably be awake. From all the people I thought of, Leo was the one who opened for me.

"Hi, Leo. Merry Christmas."

Gosh, I'm already getting bored of saying that sentence to everyone I see.

"Oh, hi, Emily. Merry Christmas to you too...come on in"

"Mom sent me to get some milk from you. She had that man, Dave Taylor, he slept over at our house - don't ask me if anything happened, his car stopped and called mom. Nothing happened, I presume."

"Yeah, sure."

I followed him to the kitchen. 

When he opened the fridge's door, an orange fell and rolled to my feet. Leo bent over to pick it as I did the same and our eyes met. My pulse raised. It had been a long time since the last time it did. I felt myself melting at the sight of his deep blue eyes. He stood up and apologised for the little incident. 

He gave me a bottle of fresh milk. Gee, I hate milk. I hate its taste, its colour, its coldness...Yuk.

"Emily...Do you wanna go to the New Year's Eve party at school with me?"


"Wait, what? the New Year's Eve party? With you? Aren't you taking Lauren?"

"Well, me and was nothing serious. Just a plan to make you jealous...and you were the one to make me jealous. Look, I can't stop. I still have feelings for you. And those feelings aren't fading away by themselves. I ache. My body begins to ache when I see you with him. I love you. And I know you love me. Just admit it."

"I...I...I..." I stammered.

"Say it, Emily. Say it."

He jumped and held my face at a couple of inches from his. Tears were rolling down his eyes. I had never, ever seen Leo, Leo Thompson, for God's sake, in this state.

No sound was coming out of my throat. It was impossible for me to say a word. I knew it. I knew it from the beginning that I loved him and that he was the one, and that Dominic was just as we call it a friend with benefits.

All I could do was kiss Leo hard on the lips.


"Lizzie, I need to talk to you" I said to Lizzie on the phone.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"I had sex. with Dominic. Twice. In the interval of like, twenty-four hours."

"WHAT?? Are you crazy? You turned into a sex-machine in two days or so!? You're 17 for God's sake! Who do you think you are? Some kind of girl in some TV serie you watch?"

Lizzie has that thing of turning into my second mother when it comes to my terrible mistakes.

"I don't know what happened, calm down!"

"Of course you do, Emily McLogan! Of course you do! I want Emily - my Emily. The converse-wearing, anti Lauren Moffat and her gang of Abercrombie and Fitch wearing and Blackberry holding, Emily! The one I grew up with!"

McLogan is my father's last name. Mom forbade me to call myself Emily McLogan after the divorce. Lizzie refers to me as McLogan when she's mad at me.

"Calm down, Lizzie! You're turning into my mom again! I'm sorry, I'm aware of all of that and I promise she will be back! I think one mother like mine is enough - you want your old Em, you'll get her - I want my non-mommy Lizzie right now."

I heard her sigh then say: "Fine. What's your problem?"

"I love your brother."


"I love Leo. And he loves me back. But I'm with Dom. Shall I break up with Dom for Leo?"

"Definitely.  I think it's cheating on him. You better be faithful to him and tell Dominic the truth. In my opinion, loving my brother - and I have no problem about it - is better for him. Maybe he will stop being such a jerk and player, and you might be the only girl I trust and I know you would never hurt him.

Thanks Liz for understanding.

"Thanks for the advice. And it's great that you're cool about it."

"No problem. And sorry i called you McLogan."

All I had to do is break up with Dominic. I had a good feeling about my future relationship.


From: emily miller

To: Dominic Cooper

Hey Dom!

I hope you're having fun in Paris.

I feel terrible telling you that, but I'm breaking up with you. It's just that I thought a lot and came to the conclusion that we're not gonna last. We don't belong together, and the only that is keeping us together is not love, is not real, it's just sex. Finally, I hope we can still be friends.

Merry Christmas. Emily

That wasn't a good Christmas for Dom at all. I hope he will understand.

From: emily miller

To: leo thompson

Leo, yes. Yes, I want to go with you to the new year's party. I love you, i want to be with you. I broke up with Dom, we are free now.


"Sweetheart!! I'm taking Dave home, I will be back in an hour or so."

"Okay" I shouted from my room before putting my earphones back on.

My bedroom door opened wide open, and appeared.

I stood up, my eyes shining and his were bright too, a turquoise color, that only appears once in a lifetime, when he's really happy. Otherwise, they're pale blue or grey when he's upset and angry.

But his eyes were bright turquoise, like the color of the ocean in Australia.

He ran towards me and kissed me hard on the lips. 

New York, the big apple of my heartحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن