New York, the big apple of my heart: Chapter 24

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I began counting days as soon as my ticket to Chicago was sent on March 13 for April 3.

I told everyone about it. Lizzie was the first to know, for sure.


"OH MY GOOOSHH EM! THAT IS SOOOOOOOO GREAT!!! I really hope you'll have fun. But please don't stay there! Hate Chicago as much as you can. I really want you here."

She had had a little tiny misunderstanding with Nick. Like I never had misunderstandings with Leo.

Then I told Leo.

"Look at me in the eye Emily, and swear to God you'll never fall for another guy back there or cheat on me."

"I'll do that if you swear you'll do the same."



"Aren't you happy for me?"

"Sure I am. But I won't be if you go screwing around. Is THAT clear enough for you?"

 "Dude, calm down. We're not married. And you know I am completely yours. Gosh we sound like a married couple."

The only person that wasn't happy for me was Mom. She gave me the silence treatment forever. Then she began to get used to the fact I wasn't changing my mind. I even cought her trying to burn the ticket. How cruel is that? Now it stays in my bag. All the time. Sometimes in my Chemistry book.

As for Leo and I, we feel more devoted to each other ever since Valentine's Day (for us, Valentine's Night, because Prince Charming waited midnight to give me the present which doesn't leave me at all and is my lucky charm.) Personally, I have always been devoted to him. Since I was seven and he best friend's big brother.

I still doubt a bit about HIS devotion. Is it because I finally slept with him?

Gosh, this expression makes sense at last for me. I slept with Leo Thompson. Mr. Right/Wrong guy.

Every time I think of it, it reminds me of the passion.

And it makes me think of Madonna's words in 'Like a Virgin'

Which is my favorite song right now, even though I don't really like Madonna.

I was beat incomplete

I'd been had, I was sad

But you made me feel

Yeah, you made me feel

Shiny and new

Like a virgin

Touched for the very first time

Like a virgin

When your heart beats

Next to mine

And I just don't know the rest.

As for Dominic, he hasn't showed any sign of life yet since the Valentine's Day incident.

I am still so mad at him for screwing with me this way. Seriously. What was he thinking? I know. he wants me back. Which part of "We're over" or "I've moved on, you should too", "I'm with Leo now" doesn't he understand? I'm talking English!

I'm pretty sure Leo's upset too. If it wasn't because I stopped him, I'm certain Dominic would be:

A- dead and buried

B-in a coma

C-in a hospital room with a thousand bones broken

D-in that other hospital's morgue

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