New York, the big apple of my heart: Chapter 28

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“What about Jackie? Aren’t you dating her?”

“Nope. I dated her for a while, and she’s a kind of a stalker. See, I spent three weeks in France for a college interview and I met her. And she followed me here in New York when I came back. But we’re not together anymore. She’s making that up. I would never have thought she’d follow me in America!” seeing my shocked look, he continued: “I’m sorry…I…I shouldn’t have said that…it’s inappropriate…especially since you are dating Leo now…”

“Well, consider me and Leo ancient history now. We’re over. Even drunk, I’d never cheat on him. I have too much of a good heart for that. So no, your question wasn’t inappropriate at all. I am officially single, and eighteen in three weeks.”

“So, what’s your answer to my non-inappropriate question?”


“I’m so sorry, Em to hear about your breakup,” Nick apologized the Monday after the party when we were sitting having lunch. This time, Leo hadn’t joint us.

“Thanks Nick, but please don’t be. If I ever hear another sorry, I think I’m gonna slap him, or her, right in the middle of the face-”

“Em, I just want you to know,” interrupted Lizzie sitting next to me with her salad in her tray. “I haven’t talked to Leo since he told me you two were over.”

“Oh, Liz, you really don’t need to do that-”

“Oh, please, Em. I haven’t talked or ever will talk to my brother since the breakup. I can’t believe he dumped you for that crazy Jacqueline.”

“Thanks for the support, guys. But the breakup has nothing to do with any of you. It was him. Because of that evil Jackie.”

“See, Emily, the support is necessary. Since my mom’s death I’ve always felt like I was the new mom in the house. And Dad and Leo were my kids. I protect them, I put the rules, and that’s what has happened. You can’t blame Leo for being who he is. He never got past Mom’s death – neither of us did. He knew her way better. He was already twelve at the time, I was only a little seven-year-old innocent girl.  Anyway, I was happy Leo was dating you because I know you. I know you’re not evil, or crazy-”

“Or a stalker!”

“Or a stalker. Jackie is well…all of those things. And the first thing a mother does is protect her son. And I knew he would be safe with you. Now, Jackie came, and ruined everything, and she spent the night yesterday, and I was crazy mad angry! So we’re on the same side, hun. I’m a hundred percent with you!”

“Thanks, but that’s not necessary. His place is filled again.”

“WHAT? I’d have called you a whore but congratulations! Who’s prince charming?”

“Well, it’s Dom.”

“Dom? The Dom?”

“Yep, Dom. Long story, I’ll tell ya later.”

I sighed with satisfaction and relief and smiled.

Lizzie smiled too. But after a few seconds her smile disappeared and her eyes got big of anger.

I turned around and saw two hands tied. I looked up and saw that bitch…holding hands with Leo.

They looked so good together! Not.

“Um, Emily?” Little Miss Perfect said with her annoying voice.

“Can we talk for a sec?” continued Leo.

Of course not. I don’t want to see either of you.

“Sure she does!” replied Liz. “Go on, Em.”

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