I Did a Stupid

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I only just realized i have yet to describe what the girls look like..... oops.... so anyway here is a description of anyone important. I will keep updating this as new characters are added.


long chocolate brown hair

green eyes

quite tall for a girl

16 years old

quite playful and loud but when it comes to it she is really responsible


Long red slightly curly hair

brown eyes

very short. like hobbit sized

16 years old

Social butterfly. May possibly die without constant attention. Basically a giant toddler.


Shoulder length mousy brown hair

Blue eyes

quite short but not as short as Dani (nobody is. there are 12 yr olds taller than her)

16 years old

Very shy. Struggles with social situations. Never had proper friends before so not sure what to do.


Black long (for a boy) hair

Taller than Elsi but pretty average height for a boy

light brown eyes 

17 (one of the older kids in the year)

Social. Friendly. Easily trusted. Doesnt struggle to find friends.


Strawberry blond hair

Blue eyes 

Adorable little nugget of fluff

(Based off my real life neice who turns one tomorrow)

(her mum is based off my sister for the record)

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