The Confronting

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I got to school the next day and saw Liam. I was so angry I went up to him and slapped him in his face. I didn't want to go that far but I was so angry I couldn't control myself. He's an asshole for doing that.

"What was that for?!" He wined
"You're a fucking dick! You're screwing me while you're in a relationship! I found out!"
He told me it's not true but did he really expect me to believe him. He was just using me for sex this whole time. That's why he rushed into it and didn't even ask me to be his girlfriend. People like him just make me sick.

After school I confronted his girlfriend, I didn't want her to be with someone who is fucking other girls while he has her. That would make me a bad person right? So I told her. She was obviously heartbroken but she needs to find someone better than that pig. Yeah he's sexy and stuff but inside he's a horrible person. She thanked me for telling her but I thought she'd be upset with me. She broke up with Liam and she told me she'd like to meet me. I agreed and so we did.

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