I went and did as told. I lifted up my shirt as he checked the wounds carefully. "They're healing up nicely. But of course you will be scarred for life."

He moved away from me as I stood back up and fixed my shirt. "You know, Madeline," he started as he took his gloves off and went to the bathroom to throw them away. "You're actually not the shy type I thought you were."

"How so, Doc," I sighed out as I sat down and crossed my legs.

"When I first encountered you, you hadn't talked much and you had always shied away, keeping to yourself. And not only that, most girls would be blushing like crazy when I ask then to lift up their shirt."

I tilted my head. "But you're a doctor though. It should be alright. Right?"

He smiled, "I think I found a new best friend."

I looked at him confused then giggled. "I would love to be your friend, Doc."

He patted my head then grabbed his stuff and exited. "Don't go do anything stupid or else your wounds will open back up."

"Yes, boss," I said with a salute as he walked down the hall and I was following him.

"And please remember to feed yourself. You're as skinny as a stick."

I all but rolled my eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me, missy. I'll have Sonya make you her famous chicken noodle soup."

As we twisted and turned, we finally made it to the kitchen. "Sonya, dear, can you please make Miss Butterfly here your famous soup?" Doc asked as he sat down with a groan. "And I'll have some coffee. Black, please."

Sonya looked to me with a smile, "What did he say for you to eat?"

I sat down next to Doc, "He said he'll buy me a bag of starburst."

"I never said that," Doc argued.

"Fine. I don't want to eat anymore. I think I'll-" I was about to stand up when I was pulled back down on the chair.

"Alright! Alright! Damn it woman," he cursed as I grinned.

Sonya laughed and got to work right away. Soon as I know it, I had a steaming bowl of soup in front of me. I smiled, "Thank you Sonya."

She patted my head, "You're welcome dear. I better see it finished."

"Yes, ma'am," I practically sung out as both of them chuckled.

Just as I was about to begin eating, he, just had to enter.

Doctor Jared patted my back and sipped his coffee. From the corner of my eye, I can see him stand at the entrance of the doorway. His intense gaze on me burning through my head.

"What would you like to eat, Alpha?"

I continued to eat, minding my own business as good as possible.

"Just water. I need to get back to my paperwork," he said, not leaving his eyes off of me.

I slowly ate and then moved closer to Doctor Jared so he was blocking me from Alpha Sol. "You're making me blush, Sol. Stop staring," Doctor Jared sarcastically said as I stifled a giggle.

Doctor Jared looked over his shoulder to me and chuckled. "What a beautiful smile."

I looked up to him and playfully smacked his arm making him laugh louder. "Shut up," I mumbled then continue to ear my food. The door to the kitchen slammed open making me look up to find Alpha Sol gone.

Sonya placed her hands on her hips and glared at Doctor Jared. "Really Jared? Are you trying to kill someone?"

Doctor Jared all but shrugged his shoulders and continue to drink his coffee. "Maybe, maybe not."

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