Chapter Four

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             We headed out the next morning, it was a cloudy day and very humid, "There's a storm on the way," I tell Zoe who responds with a shake of her head, "You okay? You're usually all jumpy and excited."

"Yea, yea, I'm fine I just zoned out for a minute. So, uh, what kind of medical supplies are you looking to find?" she responds.

"Oh! Well you know nothing too important just some bandages and maybe some pain killers. That's what Zedrick took the most of,"

Zoe sighs, "I thought he was our friend," she exclaims, "I thought he liked us and Al and your dad! I don't know, I just thought he was a friend, and a really cute one too if I might add."

Zedrick was around sixteen years old and had wavy jet black hair that went little bit passed his ears, he was also around five feet nine inches tall and not too wide.

"I won't disagree on the cute part," I say and giggle, than I hear sniffling. I stop walking and I shush Zoe who has started to talk about other things, "you hear that?"

"Is it a walker?" Zoe asks while reaching for her pocket knife.

"No, no," I answer, "walkers don't feel, this is human."


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