Not so stupid dare - Jack

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Alex is your classmate and you talk in the hall... suddenly Jack walks up to you two and strange things happen ;)

I go down the hallway of my highschool to get to my locker. I stop infront of it and like always I panic a bit, cause I always stay there for a few seconds and don't remember my combination. I stare blankly at the grey metal and try to remember the numbers to get to my books.
"Eyo, Jack!", someone shouts behind me and I jump at the loud voice. I turn around to look at a boy walking away from me just to stop a few lockers down and slap Jack Barakat.
"Ouch! What was that for?", Jack exclaims and glares at his friend.
"Just felt like slapping you!"

I turn away from the boys and open up my locker. 5720. The lock snaps open and a big grin spreads on my face. If I want to recall this damn number I just can't. One could threaten me to poison my sweet dog Timmy, but I wouldn't remember it. But just distract me from it and my mind would work on its own and Bam! There it is.
While I put down my Spanish book and throw my jacket in the hall starts to crowd. I look at my timetable.
Geometry is next, so I get my math and exercise book out. Right as I want to slam my locker shut again, someone taps me on my shoulder.
Leaving my hand on the handle I look over my shoulder.
"Hey, just wanted to ask if you've finished English?"
"Uh... Yes! Yeah, wait", I smile at Alex and look through my locker again. I find his exercise book and take it out.
"Thanks again for letting me borrow it", I smile thankfully at him and he just waves it of.
"You save my ass every day by letting me copy your answers for Geography!"
I shrug and smile at him. Alex is pretty nice and we have some classes together. Ever since we had to do some stupid project together for English we kind of became friends and sit together in class.

"Heyo sexy Lady!"
"Don't reduce me on my looks!", Alex exclaims and I stifle a laughter at Alex and his best friend Jack.
"I'm not talking to you, dumbass."
Alex pouts and crosses his arms over his chest. It makes me giggle and I don't realise Jack turned his attention from his best friend to me.
Alex is already pretty tall, but Jack ist even taller. To look him in the eyes I have to tilt my head back. I smile up at him and point at Alex: "Why are you so mean?"
"Yeah! Why? And my ass is sexy!", Alex looks down at his own ass and slaps himself. It makes me giggle even more.
"Yeah, you're really beautiful, Lex... But still you're not a lady", Jack answers and seems kind of annoyed.
"Who knows?"
"I do so, cause I've seen your dick like a million times", Jack shrugs him of.
Now he turns his back on Alex and looks at me.
"I came over for you", he smiles down at me and I'm still giggling.
"Yeah? So what's up?"
I rarely talk to Jack. Just when I'm with Alex and Jack somehow tags along with us.
So what he does next takes me by surprise and I stumble backwards.
Jack just leaned down the few centimeters that separate us and presses his lips to mine.
My eyes widen unwillingly and I try to squeal and push him off of me, but Jack just lays his hands on my waist and pulls me more into his body. He starts to work his lips against mine and his arms encircle my waist. I let myself melt against him and close my eyes.
Jack pulls me even closer and I can feel his heartbeat.
After a few seconds of closed mouth kissing, Jack draws away and a not so quiet whine leaves my lips.
"Thanks for that", Jack smirks, turns around and goes back to his other friend to high five him. I stare after him and then look up at Alex. His eyebrows are furrowed and than he storms over to Jack and smacks him over the head.
"What was that, Barakat?!"
"Just a little kiss, nothing much. Just a bet he had with me", Jacks friend explaines.
"Oh you know this isn't just a bet for him, Rian! You know he has a cru-"
"Alex!", Jack shouts and slaps his hand over Alex' mouth.
"And that's why I made him kiss her!", this Rian laughs and Alex pushes Jacks hand off his mouth.
"You better get this straight", he tells Jack and pushes him back in my direction. Jacks eyes fill with panic, but Alex just pushs him again and then he comes over to me.
"Uh...I uhm", he stutters out and I cut him of.
"I heard your friend. It's okay, Jack. You don't need to apologise."
"I... I'm... I don't wanna apologise...", he mumbles and I raise an eyebrow and tap my foot on the floor.
"What is it?", I ask not so friendly anymore. Why the hell did he just kissed me in the middle of the hallway and now he's stuttering?
"He can't shut up about you since Alex introduced you two!", suddenly his friend Rian shouts over.
"Yeah! He has the biggest crush on you!", Alex grins.
"What?!", that's so not true. Stupid, cute and cool Jack Barakat can't have a crush on me.
"Why would he insist to walk us to nearly all of our classes?", Alex laughs and I look up at Jack. A blush coats his cheeks and he bites his lip.
"Is this true?", I ask him.
"Maybe? Would it be bad if it was true?"
"No", I smile at him and he smiles back at me.

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