Tech Week Scenario

Start from the beginning

You sighed as you got out of the shower. As you walked into your bedroom wrapping the towel around you. The room was pitch black when you walked in, "Didn't I leave the light on?" You mumbled before a hand was placed on your shoulder. "Time for that punishment, (Y/n)."

You held onto your best guy friend's arm, you and him were a father and daughter pairing. But seeing as you were both pervs you kept on making daddy kink jokes. "Yes, daddy." You said looking up at (B/g/f) through your eyelashes. From behind you, you heard a growl. "Hey Ayato!" You said with a smile. "It's ore-sama." He mumbled, knowing that you wouldn't call him that anyway. "Later (B/g/f)." You said letting him go and walking over to Ayato. He was sitting out on your blanket once you walked over you sat next to him. You closed your eyes for a moment before you were pulled suddenly onto his lap. "Chichinashi I'm tired." He said wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his head on your back. "Well take a nap then, I have homework to do." You said pulling out your math and feeling Ayato tightened his arms around your waist. You started work on your homework and as you finished the worksheet you felt a wetness on your shoulder. It was Ayato's spit, he was drooling on you. You sighed before grabbing a tissue and wiping the spit off the corner of his mouth and closing his mouth. You let a smile out as you grabbed your history homework. "(Y/n)?" You heard a groan, it was Ayato. "Yeah?" You whispered stopping what you were doing. "Your director person just called practice off." He mumbled and sure enough one of the leads bursted through the doors yelling to everyone that it was time to go home. You smiled and bolted out of Ayato's arms and began to strip down to your shorts and undershirt that you wore under the stage clothes. These made it so that you could change in the hallway. Ayato looked at you with a smirk as you pulled off your skirt. "Shut up." You said as you pushed his shoulder causing him to smirk at you. "Oh just wait till we get home." He whispered into your ear. You blushed and began to try and pack quickly, excited for what awaited you at home.

You walked over to the purple haired boy smiling down at him. He fell asleep on your little makeshift bed and was clutching teddy. You were happy he appeared to be sleeping peacefully as he rarely got any sleep. You smiled as you packed your stuff up and took care of your costume. Once you were packed up and had all your stuff loaded into the car except your pillow and blankets, you began to wake up Kanato. Or at least get him awake enough to walk. He groaned and swatted you away. "Ka~na~to~ wake up." You whispered knowing he could hear you. "But I want to sleep (Y/n)." He groaned, it was cute he was to tired to even yell at you for waking him up. "Kanato we need to go home. We can sleep in your bed-" he suddenly cut you off with a yell. "NO! I want to sleep in your bed." You smiled and nodded. "Ok Kanato we can sleep in my bed, but we need to go home first ok." You said he nodded sleepy and stood up and began to walk to the car. You grabbed the pillow and blanket and stuffed those things in your nearby locker, running to catch up with Kanato. You walked to the car, sliding into the driver seat. You drove to the mansion in silence, once you arrived Kanato bursted out of your car and ran towards the door. He teleported before he reached the door though. You sighed and hopped out of your car, locking it up. You walked to your bedroom seeing Kanato laying there waiting for you. "I need to clean off my makeup first." You said he wrinkled his nose at the mention of makeup but nodded. You smiled at him as you went to your sink and took a washcloth and wiped down your face. Once all the makeup was off you sighed as you took off your cami and shorts and walked into your bedroom. Kanato kept his eyes on your tiny form. Seeing as you were in a black bra and panties. You pulled out baggy sweatpants and an old cami. You put them on before climbing into bed with Kanato. "There Kanato now go back to sleep." You said as Kanato put Teddy behind your body, so that Teddy could still be seen. Wordlessly Kanato wrapped his arms around your waist, crushing you to his chest. You smiled as you nuzzled into his chest. He smelled your hair as you fell asleep. Soon after he fell asleep as well.

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