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"See you soon." I said kissing his cheek. "When will you be back?"

"By six." He said slipping on his shoes.

"Alright." I said. "Tell Ken and Mary I say hi."

"Of course." He said pecking my lips.

"Bye Jack."

"Bye Mark." He said closing the door.

"Alright I got time to kill, I've already got my videos recorded." I mumbled mindlessly to myself.

Eventually I decided to do a surprise lifestream for no reason.

"Hello, Is anyone watching?" I asked the camera.

"What's with the stream Marky?" I read out loud.

"Bored." I said shrugging.

"What are you gonna do?"

"Answer questions."

"Where's Jack?"

"He's filming with Ken and Mary."

"Phan is reaaaaaaal." I said laughing. "Followed by thirty emojis."



I ended the stream about an hour and a half ago so dinner would be ready for Jack when he came home. But it was seven now, an hour after he was supposed to be home. I called Ken, He said Jack left an hour ago. Fifteen minutes later I got a call from Jacks phone.

"Hello?" I said pressing the phone to my ear.

"Hello, is this Mark?" A womans voice said. "You were speed dial on Sean Mcloughins phone."

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