001. 𝚁𝚎𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗 + 𝙴𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚍

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   I heard the chiming of my iPhone 13 Pro go off on my bedside table next to me for probably would be the tenth time in the past five minutes. I knew it was probably from my latest Instagram post from earlier this morning, but I couldn't concentrate on that right now. Right now I had to figure out what the hell the answer for the last question on my AP Bio exam fucking was.

   I've been stuck on the same damn question for the past twenty minutes-to hell with it! My fingers reached back onto the black-lit keys of my MacBook Pro typing away with whatever came into mind.

  When I finally finished the mini paragraph I submitted my exam to be graded with high hopes of getting a great score. You're all probably just sitting there like huh...what the hell is she talking about? The thing is, unlike normal seventeen-year-olds who would rather take pointless classes at a normal high school; I took everything online.

  My parents decided that it would've been best if I'd be homeschooled in grade eight due to their professions. My father was a legendary photographer who worked with all of the greats in the entertainment and high fashion world. My mother, on the other hand, was a well-known art director.

  I bet right now you're probably asking, do they make a lot of money? Sure they do, but since both of their careers required the majority of their time spent traveling, they both decided that since I was to be a senior this year. My future was really important. Instead of wasting away at an educational physicality for eight to nine hours five days out of the week.

Now was the time that I focused on building my career. Whatever that may be. I surely didn't complain in the slightest, since that led to us moving to sunny Calabasas, California. I've always loved that area of California since we'd vacation here when I was younger. Now we lived here in a beautiful five-bedroom home at the top of the hills away from the buzz of the city. Then again we couldn't forget that Calabasas is where the crew was as well.

  I huffed averting my eyes from the screen of my MacBook before closing it, picking my up phone logging back into Instagram. I'm not gonna lie. I kinda have a slight obsession with this app. Then again who didn't? Well hey, if I get too overly obsessed with this app I could always take one of those monthly breaks. You know the ones where you deleted all of your social media accounts to meditate or some shit.

  I clicked onto my most recent picture, where I was just in a white bralette along with a pair of high-waisted powder blue swim bottoms. This picture was gaining plenty of likes and comments after just being up for an hour or two, which wasn't bad since right now it stopped at 1k likes.

 This picture was gaining plenty of likes and comments after just being up for an hour or two, which wasn't bad since right now it stopped at 1k likes

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I had at least ten thousand followers on Instagram and a couple thousand on Twitter. Which to most normal people was a lot, but to me it was mediocre especially when you're a Calif native. As I scrolled through some of my notifications, I saw one that really struck my interest.

justinbieber liked your photo

At first, I didn't think much of it, I mean people pretend to be famous people all the time so that's probably some twelve-year-old girl just using Justin Bieber's handle name to troll me. I clicked upon the name to see if my theories were correct because there's no way in hell that the actual Justin-oh god! OH, GOD! It's actually him! Justin Bieber just fucking liked my picture!

The sharp ding from my phone pulled me from my thoughts, alerting me that I had a new direct message awaiting me on Instagram. I clicked into my direct messages seeing that not only did he like my picture, but he sent me a message as well!

My thumb warily hovered over his message. Shit, what was I waiting for?! It's Justin fucking Bieber! Said probably every girl that's been in my position. He's not with Selena Gomez anymore apparently so, "Fuck it," I said to myself. Instantly clicking on his message seeing that he sent me a handsome live photo of himself smiling gorgeously back at me, with some of his bleach blonde hair sprawled into his face.

justinbieber: ik that this might seem a little weird but I just had to let you know that you're very gorgeous.

justinbieber has followed you

Damn was he handsome. I was so star-struck that I knew if I were to be anymore star-struck I'd be dead. Justin Bieber thinks I'm freaking gorgeous?!!! And not to mention that he's also following me back. I bit my lip softly and decided to reply back to him.

dallasaliti: Thank you for following me and for that sweet comment.

  Even though I'm freaking out, I knew that I had to play it cool. I knew for a fact that if  I were to fan out on him that it would just turn him off. I mean he already has millions of women screaming to be his baby momma, plus isn't he still a major fuck boy?

Or did he go and find Jesus again? like that's gonna help him. He never seemed to stay out of trouble having Jesus or not. He's still fine though and still a hoe though, but it's Justin fucking Bieber! damn, right I'm replying back fuckboy or not. It's not like he's gonna wanna take this anywhere or see me in person. 

justinbieber: Oh yeah? I couldn't help but follow you back. That look in your eyes made me want to see what was really up with you...

dallasaliti: lol well I wish I could follow you but I already do.

After I sent that, I immediately wanted to punch myself. How idiotic was that response? See, still a bit thirsty but that's ok because I got his Gatorade right here.

justinbieber: Where are you from? You seem quite exotic...which is always a plus in my book.

I rolled my eyes but still couldn't help but blush while reading his response. That certainly wasn't the first time that I've heard that line.

dallasaliti: Well I was born in London, England but my mother's Italian and my father's Arminian. So yeah if you count that as being pretty exotic in your books lol

justinbieber: I'm making a whole new book just for you now LOL

I giggled to myself at his response.

dallasaliti: I feel so special...

justinbieber: Well you should...and I'd love to get to know you better if you'd let me.

Ok! Now I'm freaking the fuck out! This was beyond crazy, Justin Bieber wanted to speak to me of all people! And I didn't really know how to take it or handle it. Yeah, any other girl would've jumped at this opportunity, but I'm not like other girls. Then again I couldn't fight that voice in the back of my mind that was yelling at me. Saying that he could only be doing this just to get into my bed and just because he's Justin Bieber that I'll drop my panties for him. Think again! He just like any other would have to play The Bachelorette baby and he's gonna have to put in that work for that rose. Oh yeah! I'm Dallas Aliti by the way.


A/N: Yay new story vibes!!!!!! Comment and vote guys!💕

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