Why Do You Read Percy Jackson?

37 1 1

Comments :
LVMHQ: Again? I thought we had this conversation before!

RebelsRules: yea

Randomguy2: But why?

NICKX52: Because I can.

RebelsRules: pardon?

Randomguy2: Why do you read Percy Jackson?

RebelsRules: I'm glad you asked!

LVMHQ: shit...
LVMHQ left this Facebook chat because of Roybelle's note of rambling.


RebelsRules: 1 Percy Jackson is awesome
2 I like it
3 I read.
4 ... (And so on)

~5 hours later~
RebelsRules; and that's why!

NICKX52: peace out...

Randomguy2: .....

Dedicated to xX_Rebelle_Xx

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