I'm Going To The 5SOS Concert!

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Comments :
AidanHazardWannaBe[Mark]: YEASH!! It's in.. Hong Kong?
LVMHQ: You're going to a concert but you don't know where it is? Unbelievable!
HermioneGarnger: I agree
LVMHQ: ...what.
HermioneGarnger: I'm just gonna uh..
HermioneGranger Left this Facebook chat
LVMHQ: ....
AidanHazardWannaBe: So, you excited?!
LVMHQ: Why would I, be excited for god sakes I wont even be there!
AidanHazardWannaBe:..... Welp.I....
LVMHQ: you what?
AidanHazardWannaBe: I am defeated.
NICKX52: Yes, yes you are
NiallHoronRules joined this Facebook chat
NiallHoronRules: Why? I'd rather watch NIALL HORAN!! So I can take a selfie with him here!! LOL LOL LOL NOOBS!
LVMHQ: Hey Mark?
AidanHazardWannaBe: yea?
LVMHQ: can I go?
AidanHazardWannaBe: yea....

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