He would seriously ruin my life.

I hated him.

After that threat, it was the last talk we had. It's been two weeks of glares, abusive taunting, and hatred between us that we just didn't care about managing our project any more. Hell, even I forgot where we reached in the first place.

What confused me most was this: No matter how many times I was stupid enough to push his buttons a little too far, he was still faithful to keeping my secret a secret - even after his cold threats.

It's also been two weeks since I've last seen the school gym. I've been skipping gym class ever since my fight with Alicia that day, and it either went unnoticed or Mrs.Gellar was too jubilant about it to file a complaint. My guess would be the latter, not that I had a problem with it.

I'll just keep it up until the day I get caught. Then and only then can I hide in the bleachers. If attending gym was what they wanted, then they got it. No one said anything about running laps and playing sports.

Alicia was her usual self, harrassing me every now and then. Nothing I couldn't handle. She did however try to pull the hoodie off of me at some point, but Jenna saw her attempt prior to time and pushed her away. I'm still grateful for her, but that action in itself made Slut-icia want to expose my face even more. Another new hobby she had magically attained was spreading fake rumors about me. 

"Is it true?!" A classmate, Greyson, once asked as I emptied out the contents of my locker.

"Is what true?" I smiled at him.

"That you're a transgender!" The smile was swept off my face as I gaped at him.

By then I figured I'd hear a couple more of these rumors throughout the school year. A special thank you goes out to Alicia!

"What?! I am? No way, that's awesome!" Was my reply to every kid who asked.

But the highlight of the past two weeks was this: Some people came up to me and told me they had Alicia spread rumors about them once too, and I shouldn't be traumatized about it as much as they used to, because as big as the school is, there are some right headed people who know better than to believe what comes out of Alicia's mouth.

I don't know about them, but it seems to me like Alicia was created for pure life destruction.

At least the teachers were off my back with the no-hoodie regulations ever since my parents called the school board excusing my so called 'circumstances'. I don't even want to know what excuse they whipped up this time.

"Jeremy's brithday is coming up" Jenna said as I counted the minutes I had until I am freed from this cage people call a school. "We should throw him a party" She suggested while painting the 'big game' posters.

I'm starting to think the school added art class to the curriculum just because no one had the time of day to make banners and posters for school events.

"Isn't the birthday boy supposed to be the one throwing a party?" I tried quirking an eyebrow, but failed yet again and ended up looking stupid.

"Well, yeah. You know, when you have an empty house all to yourself. One Jeremy only dreams of." She rolled her eyes then laughed at my eyebrow movements, "You're weird."

"I'm flattered" I grinned, coloring in the lines of the 'school dance' banners. "But besides us two, I have no idea who his other friends are." I stated, "It might end up a three-person party." I grinned again, already excited about the stupid things our little gang of idiots could do.

"I'm thinking of inviting the football team since he made the cut." Jenna tapped her chin,  "And Sam too."

"What?" I frowned.

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