Chapter 9 - friend or foe

Start from the beginning

Casper appeared behind him, "What did I miss?"

He fell back on his butt hard. Kori took the opportunity to fling the door open and kick his long legs out of the way. She was to the top of the stairs before he was on her again. Thankfully, Casper warned her with a shout of, "Watch out!" before she stopped a topple down the stairs.

Straddled on top of her, he pointed a finger in her face like a naughty dog, "NO!"

The furious voices downstairs hesitated for a moment before they took up again.

"I'm leaving." She yelled. 

"Get back in there." He pointed to the bedroom. 

"Seriously?"  What? He expected her to listen?  "Uh, NO!" Not going to happen. She stuck her tongue out at him. Which she would later admit was very immature before, she kneed him in the groin. 

"UGH! MOTHER F&#*@% !" He squealed like a stuck pig and fell over.

She moved to bolt down the stairs.

"Wait!" He whispered. "I'm sorry."

"Did he just say sorry, after you kneed him?" Casper interjected. Kori hesitated, her hand hovering above the rail.

"I think he did just apologize." Kori said to Casper. Rye smiled painfully as if she was talking to him.

"Don't go. I'm supposed to keep you busy while Loc finishes up downstairs. I should have told you." He grunted as he went cross-eyed trying to stand up. "I will beg your forgiveness if you stay."  

"Wow, dramatic much?" She gave him a hand, feeling sorry for him, "Do you always give people a hard time?"

Nodding, "It's fun," he grunted, "usually." and crab walked back to the bedroom. She followed him curious now that she had an explanation for his behavior. Well and the fact he couldn't do anything with his equipment. That made her feel good too. Like she got all the pent up rage out in that one kick.

"Quit Smiling like that. I may think you like touching my -"

"And he's back!" Commented Casper from her perch on the dresser.

"Shhh." Kori hissed at the spirit.

"Not in your life." Rye said, he didn't hear her directing it to the ghost or follow her gaze as he settled himself.

"Well I'll go see what's going on downstairs; unless you want me to Stuper-vise you and cutie here?" Casper asked.

"No. Go on, get me the deets!" Kori said. 

 Casper winked and proofed out again.

"Excuse me?" Rye rolled into a fetal position. Then shifted with a grunt to make eye contact.

"Wasn't talking to you." Kori rolled her eyes at his pitiful state. "Do you want me to get some ice, uh... for that?" 

"No, I want you to stay put so I can tell Loc I did what he asked. While he and Lash have a huge stupid fight over you." He huffed cringing a little, "What do you mean you weren't talking to me?"

"The ghost, she was here."

"For real? Like seriously? There's a ghost?" His eyes roamed the room.

"She's gone now. Probably watching your brother's duke it out." She flipped her hair over her shoulder and folded her arms around her middle. "Why should I stay put?" Kori prompted.

"Loc asked me to keep you up here until he can ditch the drama queen."

"Are you always so nice when you talk about your brothers?"

"I don't show favoritism." He smirked.

"Do you even care what happens to me?" She retorted. 

"No, not really." 

"Your Stupid if you think I'm going to sit up here with you while they decide my fate. No thanks."

"Wow stupid huh? Says the girl who thinks she's sooo mature." He mocked in a high pitch imitation of her.

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