They ignore me and I sigh and just walk up to my room forgetting them. I start to rub my fingers through my hair and remember that I still have egg in my hair.

Speaking of gross.

I groan and go into my bathroom and start to wash my hair. When I'm done, I quickly blow dry it, even though some pieces were still wet, and go into my room and fall on my bed, sleep instantly taking over.


I wake up to my phone buzzing and I groan and reach out blindly, trying to find my phone.

I grab it and answer it with my eyes closed and say groggily, "Hello?"

"Hey, bestie!"

I hear Robins' perky voice say and pull away the phone, confused because she's not usually the perky one.

I sit up slowly and rub my face. "Why are you calling me so early?"

"It's ten o'clock."

I frown. "Oh, then why are so happy?"

I can just imagine the smile on her face as she says, "Oh, my mom just surprised me with Chick-fil-a for breakfast and you know how much I love Chick-fil-a."

I nod because she did love Chick-fil-a. I wouldn't be surprised if she got married to it one day.

"Anyways," she continues, "wanna hang out? I'm bored."

I shrug and yawn. "Sure."

"Cool. Meet me at the food court in the mall."

I say okay and we hang up.

Twenty minutes later, I see Robin in the food court and walk over to her.


She turns around and smiles at me. "Hey,"

I stay standing and say, "I'm getting something to eat at one of these places because I haven't eaten yet."

She nods and stands up and we go to one of the food places that sell breakfast. I end up getting waffles and a few pieces of bacon and an orange juice because waffles are a hundred times better than pancakes, in my opinion.

We sit back down at our table. "So, whatcha been up to?" I ask her.

She shakes her head and starts to talk about her new dog that she got and how it's becoming a pest and chewing up all her shoes. While she's talking about that, I'm eating my food and listening. She then starts to say how her youngest brother, which was only five years old, threw a tantrum the whole night and how she barely got any sleep because of it.

"Why?" I ask.

She makes a face that shows annoyance and I know she's thinking about last night. "Because he couldn't get a new toy that he wanted. A toy. He was crying over a fucking toy."

I shake my head. "Times like these I'm happy I'm an only child."

She growled. "He better be lucky it wasn't a school night or he would've felt my wrath."

I laugh at her annoyance because it's truly funny when she's mad.

"Anyways," she puffs out a breath. "Enough about me. What about you?"

I shrug, taking a sip of my orange juice and casually say, "Last night I kind of went with Grant and hung out with his friends."

She widens her eyes. "Really? How was it? Was it fun? Was it wierd? What happened?"

I hold out my hand and laugh. "Woah, chill out with all these questions."

She rolls her eyes. "Whatever. Just answer them."

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