Naku's POV.

I was making my way back toward the Council room and found myself mentally cursing everyone I passed. I don't know what was wrong with me but I was in a foul mood and I chose to put the blame on Kylo Ren, I'm sure in some way or another it was his fault. I was in a dark blue floor length dress that had black cord like straps with my hair in a braided up do, the dresses were starting to grow on me but it didn't help my annoyance at the moment.

"Councilor Kuolu, pleasant to see you although I am surprised that Kylo Ren would let his most trusted advisor out of his sight."

Son of a... "He had matters to attend to but he will be joining me in the council meeting." I say with a fake polite smile on my face as I greet Chancellor Bellek Thelcor from Zothel. He was older than I was by at least twenty years with dark grey hair and tanned skin, he was arrogant as were most of the people involved with the First Order.

"I was just on my way there, perhaps we walk together?" He asked and I knew I couldn't say no so I just nod and start walking along side him. "So you spent some time on my home planet, how was it to your liking?"

"I enjoyed it actually, it's built around the city but I was on the outskirts so it wasn't quite as crowded as I had expected it to."

He smiled at me broadly, obviously glad that I had liked the planet. "Well you must come back sometime and we will show you around the capital. Bring Kylo Ren with you of course, I highly doubt he would let you travel so far on your own."

I was beyond pleased that we were entering the council room because I didn't want to deal with him anymore. I gave him a polite smile before hurrying to the same pod we were in yesterday, when I get there I see Phasma, Makiah and Kylo Ren.

"Where were you?" Makiah asked and I rolled my eyes as I walked past him and over to my seat by Kylo.

"I was stopped by Chancellor Bellek Thelcor, he wants me to visit Zothel so he can show me the city." That wasn't exactly how the conversation went but they didn't need to know that.

Kylo's head snapped in my direction and I couldn't help my smirk as I pictured the way he was looking at me under his helmet. I reach over and give his hand a small squeeze.

"He told me to bring you of course, he was shocked you let me out of your sight." I shrug a shoulder as I lean back in the seat and turn back to the room.

"From now on if I'm not with you Makiah will be." My head snapped back towards him with an angry glare dancing across my face.

"I do not need a guard, I am not a prisoner." Something about having someone follow me everywhere really rubbed me the wrong way. I didn't need a babysitter, for crying out loud I'm a damn Jedi!

"No, you are a Councilor. One which needs protection." Kylo tells me sternly but I just laugh humorlessly.

"Oh god, don't make me laugh! I'm more than capable of taking care of myself, I think we both know that."

"Making people away of your abilities will only put you in danger." He was getting angry now, I could feel it. He hated that I was putting up a fight about this but I didn't care, I wasn't going to back down very easy.

"I'm already in danger Kylo, I thought we talked about this."

"Do not argue with me Naku, not here." Yeah, he was beyond pissed and I knew I was really pushing the limit.

I turned back to face the room, I was going to let it go for now until we were alone and I knew I would get what I wanted. I was going to let it go... until I hear Makiah scoff in amusement. I stood to my feet and faced him, Kylo stood as well with his saber in his hand but unlit.

"Is something funny to you?" I asked and he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Makiah." Kylo said in a warning tone. Makiah uncrossed his arms and shook his head.

"No Councilor, my apologies." I knew it took everything in him to say that but I also knew he didn't mean it.

My blood was boiling, something had me so on edge that I was feeling like a female version of Kylo Ren, completely emotionally unstable and unpredictable. I sit back in my seat and Kylo follows suit just as the meeting gets started. I sit through the first half of it just trying to calm myself down but I finally started paying attention when they began to discuss what I had talked about yesterday.

"We are going to take a vote on Councilor Kuolu's advisement on how we should go about making adjustments and gaining planets' support." I was a little surprised as they went around and almost everyone voted yes, I couldn't help but be proud of myself. My first advisement as a councilor had been voted on and passed. "We will start the assignment of chancellors right away, I ask that each of you put in a private suggestion of who you would like as a chancellor and for what planet. We are dismissed, please do not forget tomorrow night's formal event."

I was on my feet the instant we were dismissed and on my way out the door. Kylo was by my side in an instant with his two goons closely behind us. "I will meet with you shortly." He said to Phasma before turning to Makiah, "Come with us." I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything as we continued to our room.

"At least take off your damn helmets." I say as I fall into the love seat that was in the corner. They did as I said and I was surprised when I saw Makiah, he was blonde and handsome. I wasn't expecting that.

"You need to watch your tone in public Naku!" Kylo tells me a raised voice. He was still upset.

"Then you need to stop treating me like some child. I don't need a babysitter."

"I'm not your baby sitter! I'm here to protect your life! If people find out what you then your life is in even more danger!"

"And you volunteered the position? You hate me! Does Kylo know how you feel about me? I'm sure you'd kill me just as quick as you let someone else do it!"

"That is a lie!" Makiah yelled back but it left Kylo looking between us in confusion. "Kylo don't listen to her. You know you can trust me! I've been by your side for years."

"I've been by his side his entire life!" I argue and receive a cold look from the blonde man.

"Naku, I trust him and I urge you to trust my judgement." He gave me a hard look, one that was stirring strange emotions in me.

"Fine, but remember Makiah... I don't need my saber to kill you."

"Noted." He said before leaving the room. The second the door shut and we were alone I pulled Kylo into me and crashed my lips onto his. He was shocked at first but quickly kissed me back as I pushed him against the wall. He spun us around so I was the one against the wall and kissed down my neck.

I had no idea what was going on with me but to say I was having mood swings was a serious understatement.


Hey!! So what do y'all think? I wonder why Naku is having mood swings? That's weird! Well let me know what y'all think!! Also.... Isn't Adam Driver just gorgeous?!!

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