Chapter 2

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[ 12 years Later ]
Sherlock stared at the phone for a minute as he listened his mum's cries.

You were missing, gone for a week before his mum called the police.
But the police had found no trace, not a single sent. It was like you vanished into thin air.

Sherlock, was now standing near the wondow of his new flat of 221b, just bought it a month ago by this nice old woman named, Mrs. Huddson.
"What's wrong brother?" Mycroft as as he sat on the couch, looking at his brother as Sherlock who quickly shut his phone and placed it in his pocket as he turned around and faced him.
"Ugh, Mycroft why do you have to wear my robe?!" He said in a gross manor as he looked away.

"Well, I'm living here with you for a littile bit until I go to Collage and be a natural work for the British goverment." he restarted as he took a sip of his coffee.
"Now tell me." He said as sat his coffee down.
"Who was that woman that was crying in your phone? Is it one of your stupid cases-"
"No, it's not...." Sherlock said anoyed as he closed his eyes and took a breath, as he sat down on a couch.

After a long talk about how Sherlock can't be a pirate, (which that took 2 years) He decided to be a detective, and solve impossible murders and mysterys that can't never be solved by silly old policemen. And he was started to become reconized by his talents and such.

Sherlock then finally looked up to his big brother and said, "Y/n's missing, gone for a week, police tried to find her for 3 days but couldn't find a clue."
Then all went silent.
"W-well couldn't at least you try and find her?" Mycroft lightly chuckled to brake the silence, but Sherlock could see sweat gaining on his forhead as his eyebrows frowwed as his eyes started to reflect some things around the room.
"I already did." Sherlock snapped as he looked away.
"I looked at her phone, our room, where she was even standing, and found nothing....not one clue. It's an immpossibule case Mycroft, not even I can solve it."

Silence once took there conversation away until Mycroft stood up and went into his room, calling out, "I'm going to get a drink."
Sherlock just sat there as he placed his hands toughter and placed his fingers under his chin as he went into deep thought, thinking that hopefully his sister was alright.

[ Current Time in London 2016 ]

"Well, I'm going to Marry's" Jhon said as he grabbed his coat, "Need anything when I go to the store?"
"Ya, we need milk, ran out Of it."
John looked at Sherlock agian as he opened the door.
"But...I just got some last week-"
"Needed it for experiments." Sherlock restorted as he played his Violen, playing a beautiful song as John mummbled some rude things and how Sherlock needed everything for experiments as he closed the door, leaving Sherlock all to himself not he flat agian.

But once John as left, Sherlocks phone began to ring as he rolled his eyes and sighed as he placed down his Violen, and grabbed his phone out of his pocket.
"Who's this?" Sherlock said bordly as he sat down on his chair, crisscross.
"Um..hey Sherlock." Molly said on the other side.
"What do you want?" he said as he played with his gun a little, waiting for her to reply.
"I uh...think you need to come to the lab now."
Sherlock borrows his eyebrows. "Why?"
"Someone....wants to meet you."
".....a woman named y/n Or who you call (Your Nickname)."

Sherlock almost dropped his phone when he herd her name. 15 years (i don't know the right calculations) since his dear sister went missing, thought that she was dead.
Well, she does love suprising people.
"......Sherlock? You still there?" Molly said after a long silence. But Sherlock didn't awnser as he quickly ended the call, and ran out the door as he was putting on his jacket, frighting Mrs. Huddson as he ran past her.
"Goodness me!" she gasped as he flew past. "Did you find out the case Sherlock?" She called out, but Sherlock didnt awnser as He ran out side and slammed the door as he called a taxi.

Once he jumped in, he instantly told the driver where to go, as the driver quickly drives there as fast as he can.
Sherlock looked outside the window, wondering how he was going to react when he sees his long lost sister agian. What would she look like? How would he greet her?
Everything in his mind was all jumbled up until his phone rang. He looked down and saw it was John, Mrs. Huddson probably told him something was wrong with Sherlock.
Sherlock sighed quietly as he picked up the call, and before John could say anything, Sherlock spoke first.
"What ever Mrs. Huddson said, was probably not true." He stated, leaving John stumped for a few minutes until he actually spoke.
"She...she just told me that you looked....odd, is something wrong? Are you on a case without me..agian?" Sherlock could feel John's rolling eyes as Sherlock rolled his own.
"No and im fine, but I won't come back until midnight, oh and also forget the milk, we don't need it."
"Wait, sher-"
But he didn't get to Finnish as Sherlock ended the call, knowing that he's close.

When they got there, Sherlock quickly payed the taxi as he got out and ran to the doors, like a child going into a candy store, as he quickly speedwalked to the lab, making some people taking a second look at him, wondering why he was in such a hurry.

As he soon got to the lab, he had burst threw the doors, seeing a stunned Molly and a 25 year old woman standing there as they both look at him.
"" Molly said awkwardly, "This is y/n, and y/n This is Sherlock Holmes.."
Molly awkwardly waited in the backround as you started to walking up to Sherlock.
"Hello Brother..." You said with a bright smile. "Did you miss me?"

......And that's how you got punched in the face.
I know ;_; it's short, but I got so much ideas and things for the next chapter so don't worry! :D
And peace out to all of the timelords out there!

My Dear Sister (Sherlock X Sister!Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora