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Michael's point of view
By the time we got to Neverland Harper was sleeping.

"Harper" i said in a soft voice

He slowly opened his eyes. He looked at me. Then sat up.

"Hi daddy" he said

"Come on Harper were home" i said

We got out of the lime then walked into the house.

"Daddy" Harmony said running into my arms.

"Hi sweety" i said

"Where's mommy" she asked

I looked at Harper he started to cry.

"No Harper dont cry" i said putting Harmony down and kneeling down to Harper.

"Daddy why is Harper crying and wheres mommy" Harmony said

"Come on Harmony we need to talk" i said standing up and grabbing both if their hands. We went into the family room where i first met Harper. They sat down and i was standing.

"Daddy whats going on" Harmony asked

"Harmony, baby girl i dont know how to tell you this but your mother died this morning" i said with my head down

"No thats not true" Harmony said

"No that cant be true" she said looking at Harper. She ran to me and gave me a hug i lifted up my head and picked her up. I sat down on the couch next to Harper and sat her on my lap. I began to cry too. I couldnt believe it, we'll never be able to hear her laugh or see her beautiful eyes again. Just then i heard the door open. Lisa walked in.

"What's all the tears for" she said

"Ummm" i said whiping my tears

"Harmony why dont you go up and show Harper his new room" i said

Lisa looked confused. After they left the room lisa walked towards me.

"Who is that and why is Harmony showing him his new room." she asked

"Well lisa i kind of found harmony's mother and she was actually pregnant with more than 1 baby 3 actually and Harper is one of the 3 and today was supposed to be the day carmen and Harper moved in but carmen died today and so now i have custody of Harper " i said

"So 1 you found your ex and didnt tell me 2 you found your son and didnt tell me 3 you told them they could move in without consulting me Michael how could you" she said raising her voice

"Lisa keep it down they might hear you" i said

"God Michael do you even know if hes yours" she said still loud

"Actually lisa yes i do Harmony and Harper are identical twins" I responded

"I would have thought you would sypport me through this but i thought wrong" i said

"How am supposed to support you when im finding out after the fact" she said

"Well its hard to try to tell you when were at each others throats 24 hours a day" i said

"Bullshit" she yelled

"You know what.." i started

"What Michael your gonna leave me Michael i came over here to tell you that im filing for divorce " she said

I was speechless. I didnt know what to say.

"I just cant anymore" lisa said as she walked out the door.

I sat down on the couch and started to cry. I couldnt help but to cry. My wife just left me. Two of my loves snatched away from me in just 1 day. But i have to stay strong. For the kids, for myself. They need me. I stood up and whiped my tears, i walked upstairs to Harpers room. I could hear singing from the closet. They were singing Gone too soon. I opened it and there they were hand in hand sitting on the ground singing. They had magnificent voices. It was amazing.

"Hi daddy" Harper said

"Hi Harps" i said

"Daddy why are you and mommy arguing so much" Harmony said

"Sometimes we just dont get along" i said

"So thats why you two are getting a divorce" she said

"Harmony Katherine Elizabeth Diana Janet Michael Jackson stop eaves dropping" i said

"Damn a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do" she said

Even though Harmony said something she wasnt supposed to i couldnt help but laugh. I mean that was just hilarious. She always brightens up my darkest days.

"Ok now harmony stop it" i said gaining my composure.

"Sorry daddy" she said

I got up, ok now lets go do something fun, wait i forgot all about the NAACP on Friday. Would you like to come with us Harper.

"Yes daddy i would love to" he said

We walked out of the closet and into Harpers room.

"So what are we wearing" harmony said

"Dont worry i got it" i said

"Now who wants ice cream and rides" i said

"I do!!" they said in unison

An Unusual Acquaintance(Michael Jackson Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now