Lisa Marie Presley

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Alexis's point of veiw
Daddy has been very sad lately. I saw on tv that this boy name Jordie Chandler said that daddy sexually molested him. Jordie and his mom and sister has come to Neverland a lot. But daddy has never ever done anything wrong with jordie. Yeah i remember one night i had a bad dream and i slept with daddy then jordie walked in and said he had a bad dream too. So he asked if he could sleep in daddy's room. Daddy said he could but daddy said he could sleep on the floor and jordie and i could sleep in the bed and thats what happend. And trust me i go everywhere with daddy i sometimes even go to work with him hes never done anything wrong. Daddy is just so depressed. But he is getting a little better he's dating Elvis's daughter Lisa Marie at least i think so. She's been coming around a lot. She's very nice and i wouldn't mind her being my new mommy.

I heard a knock on the door it was Lisa Marie.

"Hi Lisa" i said smiling

"Hi cupcake" she said playfully

"Daddy's at a meeting i dont think he'll be back until a few hours" i said

"Ok well maybe we could spend some time together until he gets back" she said smiling

"Ok sure " i said

"Lisa is daddy gonna have a trial" i asked

"What do you mean" she said suprised

"Im not dumb i know about jordie and even though im positive that daddy is innocent things can go both ways" i said

"I know we are trying our best so he doesn't have to go through that just trust god" she said putting her hand on my shoulder

"Is daddy gonna be alright" i asked

"As long as you never stop loving him and keep being the best daughter you can be i think he is gonna be just fine" she said

"Maybe we could do something for him" i said

"Like what" she asked

"Write him a letter to tell him how much we love him" i suggested

"Good idea I'll write one and you'll write one" she said

I got us paper and pens and i started to write im only 6 so i might have some misspelled words but i dont care i love daddy.

Dear Daddy,
I luv you soooooo much. You alwayz help me on the rides. You tuk me intwo bed and i thank you for that. Your the best Daddy in da wole world. And i wouldnt ask for another one.
Ps. Whenever you need me I'll be there.

Miss.Jackson aka princess aka Alexis Jackson

I was done writing. I went in the kitchen to go and get ice cream. Daddy will be home in a bit. I can't wait. As soon as i finished my ice cream i heard the door open. It was daddy, he had tears in his eyes. I ran to him and gave him a hug.
"I love you more than the whole entire world daddy and don't be sad because were gonna make it through together " i said hugging him tightly

"I love you too baby girl" he said wiping his tears away. I handed him the letter.
He read it "awww baby girl i love you and your welcome for everthing" he said picking me up.

"Oh and daddy Lisa is here" i said smiling

"Oh how do i look" he said fixing his clothes

I gave him a thumbs up

"She wrote you a letter too" i said

"Oh really" he said with a smile

"Lisa daddy's here" i yelled

She ran into the room "hi Michael " she said smiling

"Hi Lisa" he said smiling

"Alexis how about you go up to your room and play for a while, while me and lisa talk." Daddy said

"Ok daddy" i ran out the room but i was about to do some eavesdropping today. I know its not right but i have to get the business someway.

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