The Proposal

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As Anakin landed late that night in Varykino, he grew even more anxious than he was before. He was so afraid Padmé would say no to him. Maybe he was asking too early? No. There was no time to waste in this situation.

He landed across the lake from the villa; he knew she was staying there with another protector. As he took the boat across, his heart pumped faster with anxiety. But he needed to get to her.

"She's gonna say yes, Anakin. Don't worry," he whispered aloud to himself. He nodded slowly, taking it in. "Wait. She's gonna say yes. I'm going to be a husband."

And when the edge of the boat hit the side of the villa, Anakin leaned over the edge and belched, covering his mouth with the back of his hand. "Oh no," he mumbled, feeling the sweat on his forehead.

Then he threw up into the lake below him.

Once he recovered, he sat back up, feeling queasy still. I'm going to be a husband to the girl of my dreams. What if she says no? What if she say yes? What if...

Oh, stop, Anakin, you're being ridiculous. She loves you for who you are, she said it herself.

I think I'm ready.




Yeah. I'm gonna do this.



And with that, Anakin stood up, stepping up onto the porch that overlooked the lake. The moon's reflection on the rippled water was calming, and just then he knew he could do it. He knew he could ask Padmé to marry him.

So with that, he walked over to the entrance to the villa and knocked on the double doors lightly.

The first few seconds as he waited, he tapped his foot anxiously and swallowed. I can do this...

Just then, he heard movement inside, soft shuffling getting closer to the door. Footsteps. Footsteps that belonged to Padmé.

Only she had footsteps so soft.

The doors opened to reveal a exhausted-looking Padmé, but as soon as she saw Anakin, her face lit up. Instead of being dressed in her usual nightclothes, her gauzy, white nightgown, she was in a loose robe which came down to her knees, revealing her calves and her bare toes. Anakin wasn't used to seeing her legs at all, and he blushed in embarrassment.

"Oh, Anakin," she whispered, and she crashed into his arms, burying her face in his chest. He embraced her petite body, wrapping his arms around her torso tighter than ever. He took in her chamomile scent, burying his face deep in her curls. "Padmé. I missed you," he mumbled into her ear. He kissed her temple over and over, and she laughed softly, pulling back to look at him. "What brought you here?"



Kneel down...

"I missed you too much, Padmé. I left the Temple to come see you," he explained, reaching his hand behind her neck and cradling her head. She smiled and laid her hands on his chest, looking into his eyes. "Ani, you know you don't have to use your spare time to come see me. You're putting your duty in jeopardy..."

"I didn't use my spare time. And I want to come see you. You're my girlfriend." And soon my wife...

"You're too sweet," Padmé said, beaming. She reached up and began to rub his shoulders, and Anakin began to pale.

"Are you okay, Ani? You're not looking too well..."

Kneel. Kneel. Kneel.

"Yeah, I'm fine."




"Padmé, I brought something for you," Anakin said, his voice shaking slightly. And as he pulled the black box out from under his belt, he knelt down in front of Padmé on one knee. He opened the box, revealing a silver band with a single, petite diamond perched in the middle, shimmering in the moonlight.

"Padmé Nabérrie Amidala. I love you more than words can ever express. I dedicate my love and life to you, with this very question: Padmé, will you take the honor of being my bride?" Anakin swallowed, his skin crawling with anticipation. "Will you marry me, Angel?"

Padmé stood over him, with her hands over her mouth in shock. Slowly, a smile crept across her face, the biggest smile Anakin had ever seen.

She knelt down and started to cry, throwing her arms around Anakin. "Yes, Anakin. Of course I'll marry you." She sniffed several times before picking her head up and meeting his eyes. "I love you so much."

"I love you too," Anakin replied, smiling too. His lips met hers several, brief times before she took his collar and pulled him down, kissing him longer. He let go and laughed, standing up and lifting her into his arms.

Carrying her into the house and up the stairs, he set her on her bed. He slid her ring on her finger, and she looked at him, her eyes alight with pure joy.

They talked and talked late into the night, until early morning. Hours later, Anakin sat on the edge of her bed, skimming his fingers across her cheek as she fell asleep.

"Goodnight, Padmé," he said softly. He stood up and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

He smiled to himself and walked downstairs, collapsing on the couch.

It wouldn't be long before his bride-to-be was at his side later that morning, begging him to get up in the bright of light. He fell asleep, dreaming of what? Padmé only.

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