Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I yawned and wiped off the slight drool at the corner of lips before stretching my tensed muscles loose and sighed. I got off the couch where Connor and I fell asleep and proceeded to unplug my phone from the charger itself and reply to the messages I've received from friends.

While texting,I stretched out my sore back once again before sliding against the wooden floor with my socks and ended up falling onto the floor, shocking Connor.

"What happened?!" he asked in concern.

"I fell"

I winced and stood up,rubbing my sore buttcheek and walked towards the other room only to be
greeted by the usuals hanging out and boxes of pizza laying around.

"Ay! Elly's awake! " Ricky announced once our eyes met.

Jenn and Andrea stood up to hug me since they weren't here previously when I was still awake. After a few minutes of just talking and playing games, my stomach was tripping on acid and did horrible bubbles which caused me to groan in pain.

I was going to get gastric pains if i didn't eat so i requested we went out for dinner judging how the time was fifteen past 7. Thank god everyone agreed with my suggestion because my tummy was going nuts. I painfully got up to wake up Connor who fell asleep yet again, such a pig.

We were all piled in my car which everyone voted for because it was a vehicle where they could actually breath if everyone was inside. I thought it was hilarious how we were arguing over whose car was better.

I started up the car and Ricky was our DJ of the night so he got the AUX cord and well it was a very turnt car ride to the restaurant.

During dinner, Jc literally threw a piece of his pasta at my face and we got into a mini food fight which made the manager actually warn us that he would kick us out if we didn't behave, I nearly shit myself when he said that. It was hilarious.

Once dinner came to an end I dropped everyone back at the house and made my way home because I was craving for a drink because of the chaos that happened today.

I pulled into our front entrance and parked near the garden before locking up and running up the stairs to the door. I opened the door announcing how i was homed only to be called to the kitchen by mother.

I walked into the kitchen and the whole family was situated at the dining table, quiet and it was really weird to see.

"What's up?" I ask taking a seat beside my brother, Ashton.

"Honey, listen okay. Remember how I wasn't feeling well and I was really ill?"

"Yeah,of course I remember"

"Well,the answer to that is.."

What in the world is going on?

"I'm pregnant"

Oh wow

"That's fantastic oh my god ! Mum, I'm so -"

"Babygirl, I have weak organs, my kidney is the main problem and I need a donor quick and its really rare for a really good healthy kidney to be available in a really short time limit." She sniffled and wiped away the stray tears on her cheeks.

"Its going to be okay Mum, is it possible if I was the one who donated you the kidney?" I forced a smile.

"Oh no dear, I can't let you do that, no I will not allow you."

"Mum, I know how much you've wanted another baby after Isaac's death, he or she is not going to replace him mum, their just going to be another part of the family and I'm willing to do anything for you and the baby."

Dad had his head cupped in his hands,probably crying and I didn't blame him because this was a tough situation to process in. His wife pregnant but isn't as healthy as she seems and his only daughter is willing enough to donate that certain organ for the sake of the baby.

Isaac was always the one who would make sacrifices for the people he loved, no matter what and I've always looked up to him for that.

"I suggest that we all rest on this and don't stress about it, just get some sleep and start a brand new chapter tomorrow." I smiled lighting up the mood.

"I second that," Ashton spoke up,his voice raspy.

Soon everyone was off to bed well besides myself because instead of sleeping? I went down to the basement to drink away the thoughts in my mind.

Chaotic // Kian LawleyWhere stories live. Discover now