Impending Doom

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Previously: The mentors have a plan. They are on the tail of their proteges captors, and are determined to save them.
Will it work?

Wallys pov
I can't do it... my vision is tunneling, my body weak.
I was used to going without food for periods of time but, this is the longest. At least before I could go to the mountain.
The team used to get mad about my eating habits... I wish I could apologize one more time.... I'm not going to make it.
I'm already slowing down. Any slower and this bomb will activate. The jokers all about sick pranks but, I think this one really will go boom.
"Kid!" A voice calls.
I must be imaging things, I made sure I was running in an abandoned area.
I look to my left and see my Uncle.
"U-uncle Barry?" I ask, my voice hoarse.
"Its me. We're gonna get this thing off and get you home." He replies.
"I'm sorry... I don't think it'll work... I can't keep running Uncle Barry." I say.
"You have to kid. Just keep going a little longer!" He pleads.
My vision blurs, and I sway, still trying to keep up the speed.

Artemis' pov
The ropes digging in to wounds, and making more along my arms. The line attached to the hook holding me above the water, is quickly weakening. The water below officially freaking me out. I wanted to laugh with Robin after finding out he was Dick Grayson. I wanted to be a good friend towards Wally. I wanted to get out of here and beat someone up. I don't want to die, I want to be apart of the team. The team thats like a family to me.
I wanted to see my mother again! Even my sister! Heck if my father knew about this he'd blow up! Say something like, 'only I'm aloud to hurt my baby girl' or something like that...
My head snaps up at the sound of a familiar voice.
"Green Arrow!" I call back,
The relief clear in my voice.
"Hang on! I'll get you down!"
"Watch out!" I warn as henchmen come up behind him.
He flips around and a fight ensues. The rope above me gives a little, causing panic to rise once again.
"Say good bye Arrow Boy." One of the goons says.
GA immediately flips around, I take in a deep breath as the rope snaps and I plummet into the water below.
I struggle at my binds, my blood mixing with the salty water as it stings into my wounds. A muffled splash comes from above before arms wrap around me.
I'm pulled above the water, where I cough and sputter. When my vision clears, I see the boat speeding away, and GA holding onto me and a waterskee. He smiles at me and I smile in return,
"I missed you Arty."
"Missed you too."


Robins pov
I groan as I come to. I can't seem to remember what happened.
"Robin? Can you hear me?"
I force my eyes to open, and blink several times before my vision clears. I'm no longer in the plane, but in the bat copter. Looking around I see Batman staring at me worridly,
"That was Disasterous. Heavy on the Dis." I say, my voice hoarse.
He sighs in relief,

3rd person
'I've retrieved Artemis. Aquaman already in pursuit of the boat.'
'Robin also. The plane already detained.'
'Good. What about you flash?'
'Not good. I need assistance immediately.'

From the Batcopter, the duo sees the explosion. From the shore, the greens here and feel the boom. Seth, and Sam in Mt. Justice passed out at the time awaken with screams of pain.

Short. I know. But two chapters in two days! I think....
Anywho... I'm thinking maybe I'll make this into a trilogy? The second book would be about Bullying and the third set in the future a bit. Would you guys read them or should I not? Btw I won't change the spitfire. But what about the others? Who should they all be with? Let me know please!
If I do, do the trilogy thing I've seen a lot of people ask in there own stories if anyone reading wants to be apart of the book. So I was thinking I could too... I would need bullys, heroes, friends, and kids (*hint hint*). And if you want to be in a relation ship with one of the characters (besides Wally, Artemis, Roy, Chesire sorry.) That could happen too... all up to you people though!
This also means this book will be ending soon. A couple chapters left at most.
Love to hear from ya! Please and thank you! I ask you don't message me, my phone doesn't notify me when I get messages. But you can if you want and I'll get back to you asap.
Thank you lovely people!

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