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Wallys pov
Its dark by the time I make it home. I'm lost in my own thoughts, replaying the mission in my head.
I open the front door, expecting my parents, Rudy and Mary, to be asleep.
"Where have you been??"
'Guess I was wrong.'
"I asked you a question"
I look up at my father,
"Sorry sir... I was on a mission..." I say
"What did I tell you about that stupid team you were on?? Your supposed to be here doing homework. Do you know how much your mother and I have done to get you a good education?? If you fall behind it'll be for nothing." He rants.
"I know, I'm sorry.."
"Sorrys not good enough, you ungrateful brat"
He raises his arm and sends a punch straight into my face. The pain radiates across my face as I fall to the floor, he pulls out his chemical enhanced knife. A knife he forced me to make. It slows down my enhanced healing and burns like acid into my skin. While i typically do heal fully I do have a few scars where he carved mutiple times.
I tremble on the floor as I stare at that knife, my body frozen like always.
"Will you ever learn your lesson? I do all of this for your own good."
He grabs my arm and pulls me up then pushes me down again into a chair. I squeeze my eyes shut as the blade makes contact with my skin. The pain is familiar, but still excruciating. He carves into one of my scars and I let out a cry of pain, 'bad ending for a bad day... I hate Saturdays.'

Laying awake all night for fear of not waking if I closed my eyes still elicits a groan when My phone rings. Climbing off my bed I search for my jacket and find it thrown over my desk chair. I reach into the pocket and answer right before the last ring,
"Hello?" I ask trying to sound normal.
"Dude, I texted you like five times! We have things to do, get to the cave asap." Robin chastises.
"Sorry. Sleeping. I'll be there in a couple minutes." I reply.
I hang up and look for a suit thats not messed up.
I put it on although my stiff body objects, I manage.
I open my door and peek out, not hearing anyone I walk out slowly. I creep down the stairs and catch my reflection in the hall mirror. I have a dark bruise on my jaw thanks to Rudy, I have a small scratch above my eyebrow from the bullet, and another scratch on my upper cheek.
'Just play it all off... this all happened during the explosion.'
I try not to jostle my body as I finish decent in the stairs.
"Where are you going in that getup??" A groggy voice asks from the living room.
I turn slowly to face my father,
"Uh... no where." I lie
"Do you think I'm stupid? You have homework and school tomorrow."
"I know... I just have to do this thing... I've almost finished my homework anyway..."
He stands from the couch and walks towards me. I swallow a lump from my throat and watch him closely. "I told you I didn't want you hanging out with those justice League folks. Its bad enough I let you hang out with Barry." He says with a glare.
"I know... but... just this last time..." I plead.
"Last time eh? If I let you go right now, when you come back I'll never see that costume or hear about the Justice League again?" He asks
I look at the floor for a second then back at him,
"Yeah... I promise." I say.
"Good. Its a deal." He says with a grin.
"KF where have you been??" Robin questions me immediately.
"Sorry dude. Had some stuff to deal with..."
"What happened to your face?"
"Dude packed a punch when we fought." I lie.
"Uh huh, still doesnt explain why you still look like crap? when you left yesterday, rather quickly, your face didn't look like that. It would have healed by now right?" Robin asks
"Oh you know, sometimes things take a minute to surface. Anyway what was so important about coming?" I change the subject.
"Batman wants to talk to us, he doesn't like waiting."
"Well then lets go." I walk off towards the conference room, Rob following.
'This is going to be a hard day...'

After we're briefed, Batman asks to speak with me alone. Robin kept shooting me suspicious looks that I tried hard to ignore.
They all leave the room and I turn my attention to Batmans head on the screen.
"I have a feeling you need to tell me something Wallace." Batman says.
I gulp and nod,
"Yeah... I'm quitting the Justice League, This will be my last day." I inform.
His eyes narrow,
"I see. Any specific reasons?"
"Personal reasons. Sorry its so last minute" I say.
He nods,
"Okay. Don't get into trouble, good luck on your last mission." Batmans face disappears.
I let out a shaky breath, 'I guess its official now.'
I leave the room with my usual confident smile. 'One last time...'

Robins pov
I watch Wally as he comes into the room his smile looking strained,
"Everything good?" I ask
"Yeah fine." He replies
"Come on, we need to leave." Aqualad says.
I know somethings wrong.
Wally could only run for a little while at a time, he kept wincing, and he wasn't telling us something. We finished the mission, although Wally seemed a bit disappointed. After an awkward silence on the way back to the cave, I caught Wally in the kitchen.
"Kf are you sure your okay?" I ask again.
"Yeah... I'm gonna get a snack and head home though." He says.
"We just finished a mission, why not hang out a bit?" I ask
Hes hesitant, looking at the clock,
"I guess... for a bit..." he replies.
I leave him to get his snack as I head back to the others in the living room,
"Hey guys." I call quietly.
They all turn to me,
"Yes Rob?" Aqualad asks
"Have you guys noticed anything different about Wally?" I ask.
"What do you mean?" M'gann asks.
"I think he's hiding something." I reply.
I stop them from talking as he enters the room,
"Rob, I just remembered... my moms making dinner... I've really gotta get going." He says.
"Oh okay... See you tomorrow right?" I ask.
"Uh...yeah maybe." He looks at the floor as he speaks.
"K... later." I say
"Bye Wally!" M'gann calls
"Safe journey my friend" Kaldur says
"Later Baywatch."
He gives a small sad smile, and turns away, leaving through the Zetabeam.
"That look. Somethings up" I say.
"It may seem our friend is hiding something." Kaldur states.
'But what?'
Tuesday afternoon, no one on the teams been able to reach Wally. We were told he quit the Justice League for 'personal reasons'. I don't believe it, so I'm investigating.
Keystone Highschool, the highschool Wally attends. I wait outside the school leaning on a tree, hidden in the shadows.
Kids exit the school laughing with their friends, but one red head stuck out. He was limping slightly, his face blank of emotion. He walks by the tree and I step out, startling him.
"Yo Wally. Whats up?" I ask
"Rob... what are you doing here?" Wally asks
"Checking up on an old friend." I say
"One who ditched his friends without an explanation." Artemis says from one of the tree branches.
Wally jumps back again with a wince. Artemis joins me on the ground,
"You okay Baywatch?" She asks
He nods,
"Yeah... seriously though, what are you guys doing here?" He asks
"Can't we just drop by and say hi?" I ask
He takes a deep breath then looks at his watch,
"Nows not the best time. I gotta get home."
"Wally we need to talk. We're worried about you." I say.
I see a small smile on his lips,
"Thats sweet. But nothing to worry about, when have you ever needed to worry about me? You guys just go do your justice League thing."
I look him in the eyes, their dull and sadness fills them even with the small smile. He looks at his watch again,
"I really need to go. It was nice seeing you guys, say hi to everyone for me."
He limps off campus at a quick pace.
"I see what you mean. He's acting very weird. Did you see how skinny he was? Its no wonder he has so many bruises and scratches." Artemis says.
"Yeah. But the real question is why. Why does he have all those wounds and why is he so skinny? Why iis he lying?"
"Are we going to follow him?"
"Of course, if you can keep up." I disappear back into the shadows with my signature cackle.
She huffs in annoyance making me grin,
'Skipped last period PE. This is way more fun.'

Well theres another one. Thanks again for everyone reading!

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