Pain, War, Fear

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Wallys pov
Bound and weak. Blind folded as we're thrown into a van.
I really wanted to keep the others out of this. I figured they'd find me after I did all the work. I didn't think they would kidnap us for some crazy experiment, or anything else. Kaede wants more, hes made new 'friends', and they don't like us.
The van comes to an abrupt stop, and again we're dragged somewhere. Our footsteps change from dirt to hard floors, a door slams shit and I'm forced to my knees.
The blindfolds are removed soon after that and it takes a minute for my eyes to adjust. Looking around I see a small but elegant house. Hardwood floors, smooth white walls, the only problem being who it belongs to.
I feel like there's some big plan brewing and all our enemies are in on it. Kaede, Joker, My Father, Savage, Vertigo, Capitan Cold. I'm sure theres more behind the scenes,
"Pewny Crash, Boy blunder, and Arrow girl." Joker laughs.
(I have no idea if he'd actually call them that...)
"What do you guys want??" Robin asks
"What I always want... to play a game."


Third person
The two new girls lay in the med bay attached to heart monitors. The team confused and anxious, wondering what their friends were going through. Where were they? Who has them?
Miss Martian, Aqualad, and Superboy sat in gloomy silence. They could do nothing but wait, the leagues orders. Since Kaede was looking for them, they weren't aloud to leave Mount justice. The team hated it, they wanted to help find their friends.
"They want to talk to you guys." Black Canary says from the hallway.
The team looks up at her, broken from their thoughts, and follow the women to the infirmary. Both girls sat up in bed, looking down at their hands.
"How are you feeling?" Kaldur asks.
"We're fine... I'm afraid your friends might not be." Seth answers.
"What do you mean?" M'gann asks.
The team stands by the wall in front of the two beds, staring expectantly.
"We discovered a new power while you were gone. Apparently we had some type of connection with Wally. That connection allows us to see and feel what Wally does. Sam sees what he sees, and I feel what he feels... but only for certain things. I don't quite understand it yet..." Seth says
"Will you share what you learned of our friends?" Kaldur asks
"He was blindfolded." Seth starts
"They were in a van, driving on a bumpy road. When they stopped he was dragged into a house." I continue
"Six men... small fancy house, dirt ground outside..."
"What did the men look like?" Kaldur interrupts
"Kaede was one... another dressed in a blue winter coat, a man who resembled Wally, another had black hair and scars on his face, one looked fancy with blonde hair and hesd gear, and the last one had green hair white skin... purple sinister grin..." Sam explains vaguely. She gringes at the thought of those men. They had evil intentions flowing off of them. Although her answers were vague, the team knew who she had described,
"So Kaede made friends too. We can count that if Savage is there, the light is in on this as well." Black Canary states.
The team nods,
"This development could lead to more answers. We should inform Batman and the League." Kaldur advises.
Canary nods, already leaving the room,
"I hope we're helping..." Seth says quietly.
Super boy looks directly at the girl,
"You are." He says simply.
The girls eyes widen and she avoids eye contact,
"Thank you." She replies.
"You two should rest, we will visit later. Thank you." M'gann says.
The two girls nod as they get comfortable. The three young heroes head back into the living room just as Canary hangs up on Batman.
"He said he'd look into it." She informs. "For now your orders are the same. Stay put."

Wallys pov
Separated from the others, each of us put in a different room. Under the small house was miltifloored maze of rocky tunnels. They took me 2 floors, the others probably farther. A weight ball attached to a chain, is put on my ankle. I stare at the floor, waiting for the man who did it to leave.
My father. A man I thought I could look up to. I make one choice... and he hates me.
"You mother was gone. Where is she?" Rudy asks
"Finding divorce papers." My voice is monotone, empty.
"I guess that was your doing as well? You just love to ruin things right?" He asks
Hes surprisingly calm,
"Thats what you tell me." I answer.
He grabs the front of my shirt, pulling me up as far the the chain will let him. Shoving my back into the ragged wall harshly, emitting a gasp of pain from me.
"I'm going to have fun. Maybe you'll finally learn your lesson." He drops me, and I crumple easily to the ground.
He roughly grabs my jacket and pulls it off forcefully. Through the shaking, my letter falls from the pocket. I go to grab it, but Rudy was quick. He steps on my hand and grabs the folded paper, as he opens and reads it he scoffs. Walking away, releasing my hand from its smashed position, he scoffs again as he slams the heavy door shut.
'That won't be good.'

Roys pov
I finish my patrol, heading to my small hideout/ apartment. Just as I enter, my phone rings and I let out a sigh. Grabbing my phone as I set my Bow and quiver down, I answer it with an exasperated sigh,
"Red arrow. It is Aqualad." Comes The response.
He sounds tired and worried,
"Whats up? Everything alright?" I ask, alert again.
"I wish to ask for help.... Robin, Kid Flash, and Artemis have been taken."
"The League has forbidden whats left of my team to leave. I wish to ask for your help, can you come to the cave?" he asks
"Yeah. I'll be there shortly."
"Speedy B06"
"Its Red. Arrow!" I growl in irritation.
"Roy. Thank you for coming." Kaldur greets.
"Of course. Now can you fill me in?" I say impatiently.
"It started with Wally. We suspect hes being abused. He was kidnapped and escaped recently, only to be kidnapped once again. When we went to find him Artemis and Robin were taken by surprise. Wally was able to reveal the people wanted all of us to make a perfect clone. So we left and they were moved. Wally escaped the first time with two girls, they somehow have a connection to him. They were able to see who has him, we think the light has something to do with it." Kaldur explains.
I listened intently,
"Okay what do you want me to do?" I ask
"Well we don't know ye-"
Hes cut off with a shout, turning towards the living room, we find M'gann standing watching the tv with her hands over her mouth.

3rd pov
The tv, off at the time, turned on on its own. The screen is split into four, three are occupied by Wally, Robin, and Artemis. They look fine for the moment, but they won't be for long. A face pops up on The fourth screen, Kaede who grins.
"Hello young heroes. We thought you might wish to see your friends." Kaede says
The three captives look around their rooms, hearing his voice.
"A certain team mate of yours had a note addressed to you all. We thought we could share it with you." Kaede grins as he unfolds a paper, " 'Dear team,
I'm sorry. You were like a family to me, but I was unfair to you. I lied and faked my way through, but I really did it all for you. You've all been through so much, I didn't need to add my own touch. I'm a broken blur whos life went to fast. This type of broken cant be fixed with a cast. I tried every day, to fix it my own way. But as you can see, its not working out for me. I love you all, and it not your fault. tell my mother shes not to blame, its from my own assault. Those days that I felt alive, those days I forgot I wanted to die. Those days when I laughed for real, when I wasn't a mistake and I could feel. They're all gone. Don't worry about me even though I'll die alone, in months I'll be unknown. All my stuff goes to you, theres not much. Don't be sad for me, live your lives free. Be happy and alive, with friends by your side.
I'm just a puzzle piece that doesn't belong. Ruin the whole picture it'll be wrong. You all are the best and the brightest, this is not a crisis. So I say again friends, you must live but my road ends.' Isn't that so sweet? He rhymed too, a bit cheesy don't you think?" He asks
Wally starts cursing at his captors although his friends can't hear him.
The team is in shock to say the least, tears enter M'ganns eyes. Kaldur blames himself, the fact that his teammate was feeling this way.
"Hahaha I can only imagine your faces. Hahaha I love causing people pain. I also like playing games, be prepared little ones...hahahaha"
His laugh is all they hear as the screen goes to static. It was unmistakably the Joker, and he had plans.
But what were they?

Not much in this chapter. Poor Wally. No ones feeling the Aster now. (Or would it be everyone? I can't remember) anyone know how to pertray the Joker better? Any who until next time. Thanks for reading! You rock as always! Enjoy life!

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