Different (Mikaela Hyayuka x reader)

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You walked through the torn city after having gotten separated from your squad. " I hope they're ok" you mutter under your breath . You shake your head " scratch that, I know they're ok." You smiled at the thought of your friends.

You were a black demon user in the moon demon company, you'd been placed in Shinoa's squad. It took a while but you eventually opened up to all of them and before you knew you saw them as family. You giggled remembering earlier events such as Yuu's bed head issue that happened a few days ago and both Shinoa's and Mitsuba's kitchen problem. You smiled while muttering under your breath " Yuu-chan should seriously stop going to sleep with wet hair"

They were  the only family you had left, ever since you lost your parents to the vampires you'd felt nothing but loneliness and lust for revenge however all of those feelings faded away after you met them. You'd gone back to being your old self  thanks to them rather than the cold and bitter person you'd become after the incident and for that you would always be thankful for having met them, they lead you out of the dark void of despair you'd fallen into.

You stared at the torn city in awe until you noticed someone approaching you. You squinted your eyes only to have them widen... It was a vampire and a strong one at that. He was probably a noble , you thought to yourself. You quickly scrambled inside an abandoned store hoping to find a place to hide.

You quickly hid behind a few boxes as you heard footsteps. You held your breath hoping he wouldn't find you. "Blood! I need blood!" He screamed and stumbled on a shelf, knocking down a few empty cans. You cringed at his desperate voice . You felt the need to help him, to free him from his pain yet you knew what he was capable.. what all of them were capable of.

You closed your eyes at the memory and gritted your teeth , covering your mouth with your hand to muffle any sob. Stop!now is not the time to remember that . There was no way you could fight in the condition you were in and even less against a noble.You immediately regretted your actions as you no longer heard his footsteps or his screaming. He couldn't have heard that, right...? You thought to yourself, hoping you'd be right.

You were suddenly thrown aside, destroying any hope you had  " blood!" He placed his hand on your neck while you thrashed under his grip " let me go, you Monster!" He flinched as if snapping out of a daze and let go of you " what the hell am I doing?" He  muttered while rocking back and forth, yelling 'blood' over and over.

You stared at him in confusion, vampires never spared anyone unless they'd decide to take them in as livestock instead. You looked at his eyes and noticed they were blue hues unlike the ones of all the other vampires you'd seen.

They all had red irises yet the vampire in front of you had blue ones. Usually most vampires would be unaffected by words that came from a human yet the one in front of you flinched. You crawled towards the vampire, curiosity getting the best of you. " what are you doing here?! Get out before I kill you!" You flinched at his words yet you didn't leave like you thought you would, instead you crawled closer towards him.

You were now in front of him as you reached out to him " a-are you alright?" You questioned the vampire in front of you " why are you still here, get out?! Please , before I-I kill you" he muttered his voice cracking. You wrapped your arms around the struggling vampire, your actions shocking him, most humans were terrified of him yet here you were hugging him after he told you to leave.

" I-I can't take it anymore, please leave before I take your blood" he muttered while trying push you away yet  you  clung on to him. He couldn't believe the girl in front of him, she wasn't like most humans. She was ....different . She seemed caring and kind while all the other humans were greedy and manipulative at least that's how it was for him.  

The vampires words would never fail to surprise her , he was different than the others and she could sense that. She knew he wouldn't hurt her like all the others. " d-do you need b-blood?" You stuttered as his eyes widened in shock , were you seriously offering your blood to a vampire? " n-no, I- I can't take your blood" he clenched his fists and  looked away.

" If it makes the pain go away... I don't mind" you muttered as he shook his head " I can't if I do ... I'll become a full vampire" he had no idea as to why he was telling you all of this yet he somehow knew you were different than all of the other humans.

" so that's why your eyes aren't red?" He nodded and then winced because of the pain " please just take my blood, as much as you need. Please... I can't bear to see you in so much pain" he winced once again as you grabbed his head and placed it on your neck " please... Just take it" he closed his eyes while shaking his head. You sighed " Just take it, you idiot. I'm trying to help" you chuckled lightly.

He bit into your skin making you close your eyes slightly, wincing at the pain. Despite the pain you still let him continue to drink your blood  in order to help the unique vampire. You placed one of your hands on his head and the other on his back to stop you from collapsing. He finally stopped making you slowly let go of him.

You watched as the blue hues you'd begun to grow fond off faded into red. " A-Arigato ...human" he blushed while you smiled at him " anytime" you beamed at him making him chuckle and surprisingly enough you began laughing lightly with him until another shot of pain interrupted you. You winced before coughing blood, the vampires eyes widened " did I take too much?" you quickly shook your head. " Don't worry it wasn't because of you and either way it's just a scratch" he scoffed " what do you mean just a scratch?! you're coughing up blood for crying out loud.where is it? where is the injury" your eyes widened at his sudden outburst, this was so different from the distant vampire you{d met just a few minutes ago.

you pointed towards your stomach making him slightly raise your shirt, you felt your cheeks warm up as he tsked at you while analyzing the wound. " you should've treated this a long time ago" his gaze met yours as he caught your tinted cheeks, he tilted his head in confusion until he stared at your slightly raised shirt making his cheeks look like yours. " I'm g-gonna go look for the ehm... s-stuff" you quickly nodded while diverting your gaze.

After a while he came back with a roll of gauze and  a bottle of alcohol. He kneeled in front of you and began treating your wound. Once he was done you smiled at him with blushed cheeks " Arigatou gozaimasu" his eyes widened slightly as he quickly diverted his gaze with blushed cheeks " baka, don't look at me like that" you giggled lightly at his cuteness before patting the spot next to you, signalling for him to sit besides you. He complied and so you both sat in silence until the blonde interrupted it.

" why weren't you scared of me?" You paused, pondering about your answer " I-I'm not sure it's as if I knew that you were... Different" he contemplated your answer before nodding. " ne, what's your name?" You asked making his eyes meet yours  " Mikaela, Mikaela Hyayuka" you extended your hand out, hoping he'd shake it " nice to meet you Mika-kun , I am Y/N"  he chuckled lightly and shook your hand .

"Mika-kun?" He raised an eyebrow at you making you blush . " I like it" you blushed an even deeper shade, while wondering where you heard his last name before "seeing as I am Mika-kun you will be y/n- Chan" he smiled at you making you beam at him.
" Sugoi! that means we're friends now." He chuckled at your childish behaviour while you waited for his answer " I guess it does" you smiled even wider and hugged him.

" Ne , Mika-kun I can should introduce you to my family." He quickly shook his head while thinking about how manipulative the humans were " don't worry,you'll like them . There's Shinoa, Mitsu ( mitsuba), kimizuki-kun, yoichi-kun and Yuu-chan" you smiled at him as his eyes widened " Y-Yuu-chan?"

You nodded msking him hug you tighter and kiss your cheek out of joy of reuniting with his childhood friend " I can finally see Yuu-chan again, arigatu  Y/N-chan."You blushed while  touching your cheek. He noticed this making him blushed as well " gomen" . " It's fine...I ...like it"  you muttered blushing like a tomato. Making him stare into your e/c eyes, feeling butterflies in his stomach.

He cupped your cheek and softly placed his lips on yours as you closed your eyes and kissed back. Once you both let go, he placed his forehead on yours " you're different.." You smiled " what do you mean?" You questioned as he smiled down at you " you're beautiful"

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