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You guys wanna know something coooool? Pogonophobia is the fear of beards. WHO DOESN'T LIKE BEARDS THEY'RE AWESOME?!?! (Becca here- I no like thick beards :| scruff and stubble is alright)
You have betrayed me. Anyway, enjoy the long awaited chapter. Molly xxx

I fire arrow after arrow into the endless stream of aliens. I hit a stream of the Chitauri riding... I don't even know what those things are. But who cares? I hit my mark each time, killing them all. It got a little boring after a while, being so perfect at my aim. Looking around the sky, I noticed a lot of the riders tailing the Starks. I also noticed some behind me in the reflection of the building opposite. Aiming my bow behind me, I let go of the arrow and hit the rider, making him explode. That's right, I'm a badass. "Stark. Marie. You got a lot of strings sticking to your tail." I tell them.
"Just try and keep them off the streets." Tony replies, trying to shake them off.
"Well, they can't bank worth a damn. Find a tight corner."
"I will, roger that. Hang on Marie"
"Oh believe me, I am." Stark leads the bastards round tight corners while staying in my view. I rapid fire at them, exploding the riders. We continued this until there were non left. "Nice call. What else you got?" He asks.
"Well, Thor and Liz are taking on a squadron down on 6th." I say, telling him what I saw earlier on.
"And they didn't invite us?" Tony says sarcastically.
"Why would they want your sorry ass?" I muttered to myself.
"Good one Clint!" Marie laughs. I smirked, watching the Starks fly off to kill some other guys.
I need a nap.

Me and Cap fight the Chitauri that are grounded. Cap punches and throws his shield like a boomerang, while I shoot them will my hand guns. "So Cap!" I yell over to him.
"What's the deal with you and Tony huh?" I ask, shooting a Chitauri dead in the head.
"I don't know what your talking about." He replies, decapitating one with his shield.
"I'm a spy Cap. I can see through your façade." I slit the throat of another.
"Me and Tony are in a relationship alright? Happy now?" I smile, punching a guy in the face then tripping him and shooting him.
"Very." Noticing my gun is out of ammo, I pick up one of the weapons from the dead body of one of the aliens. One of the Chitauri soldiers knocks me onto my back. I get back up and shoot it, then slit its throat. I turn to Cap, seeing  him holding his shield. I slump back, tired. "Captain, non of this or your relationship is gonna mean a damn thing if we don't close that portal." I tell him, trying to regain some energy.
"Our biggest guns couldn't touch it." I think for a moment, looking around for inspiration. I see some Chitauri fly above our heads on Chariot like vehicles.
"Well, maybe it's not about guns." I gesture to the flying chariots.
"You wanna get up there, your gonna need a ride."
"I got a ride, could use a lift though." I back up for a running start, dropping the weapon. Cap raises his shield, understanding what I'm getting at.
"Are you sure about this?"
"Yeah, it's gonna be fun." That didn't sound reassuring. дерьмо. I give Cap a lop sided smile. I run at him, jumping onto his shield and, with his help, vaulted myself up onto a chariot. I jump on the rider and stick my knives in him, throwing him off and taking control. Tony comes over with Marie on his back and kills any other riders that are following me. I fly off to Stark Tower.

HOLY CRAP HOLY CRAP HOLY CRAP HOLY CRAP! I can't hold on for much longer, especially after Clint helped get rid of the dudes on our tail. "TONY!" I yell next to his helmet.
"Gah! Don't yell! What do you want?" He asks, flying round corners.
"Drop me off by Liz! I can't hold on to you for much longer."
"You got it." He takes off toward where we see a bolt of lighting crash down to the ground. Thor must be there. When we finally reach Thor and Liz, I start to feel sick.
"Hey Liz!" I yell down to her. She looks up at me and waves, then turned and flame-punches a Chitauri's head off. Wow. "Catch me!" I yell down. I jump off Tony's back and fall down. Tony screames after me, and I laugh. Liz flies up to me a catches me like a damsel in distress. She flies back down to the ground. "My hero!" I say in a high pitched voice. Liz rolls her eyes and drops me on the ground. I get back up and dust myself off. "So, what we got?" I asked. Before anyone could answer, Chitauri began to shoot at us. We all ducked behind the cover of a wrecked car.
"That's what we got." Liz said, gesturing towards the group of alien freaks. I pulled out my sword and some charms and prepared myself. " Are you ready?" I looked at her and smirked.
"Give me a minute, I'm good. Give me an hour, I'm great. Give me six months, I'm unbeatable." Thor and Liz looked at me quizzically.
"We don't have six months."
"It's a quote." I told them. "Yeah, I, ready." Let's do this.

Sup bros! Sorry it's not longer, Wattpad deleted the ending for some stupid reason. 😭 Anyway, how was easter? I just had my birthday a few days ago! Also, friggin Spider-Man in the civil war trailer. Ikr that was ages ago but I don't think I mentioned it yet... ANYWAY. Ima go now, got some youtube to watch. Byyyeee!!!

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