To the future :P

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(A/N. Oh hai! It's a me, a Molly! I am one of the co-authors of this book. The other is ma bae Becca. This is her account. Just thought I drop by to say wassup? How was your day? Kiss any one lately? *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge* 😜 Anyway, hope you like the chapter, and btw, I'm kinda a geek, so whenever I can I'll be dropping in a few references of something if Becca will let me. Ok see ya!)
Elizabeth's POV:
I was siting on the couch with Marie, watching her play some strange game on the TV. I looked on in confusion as she shot strange blue creatures with odd shaped blue swords. She was trying to teach me about a series of games; the name of it has slipped my mind. I looked out the window up at the night sky, staring wistfully at the twinkling stars. "Hey, are you getting any of this?" Marie asked, waving one of her hands in front of my face.
"Hm? Oh, yea, sure." I answered, snapping my eyes away from the window and back to Marie. She stared at me for a few moments before shrugging and turning back the screen.
"Anyway, this gun here is called a needler, it basically shoots purple needles at the enemy and attaches themselves to them before exploding." I sighed and tuned Marie out. Over the past year, she had become a great friend, and had taught me a lot about this world. Most of it is still confusing, but I try. Tony is still as abnoxious as ever, however has also become a great friend. I looked over at Steve, who was talking to thin air and looking at some strange screens with incoherent symbols on them. I looked back out at the sky, only to see the familiar iron suit come flying towards the tower. I smiled and stood up, making my way towards the balcony where Tony had landed. "Hey where are you going, I still have to teach you about the prophets!" Marie called from behind me. I waved her off and waited by the door watching as Tony walked towards me, his suit being taken off by spinning rings around him.
"Hey Liz! What's up?" He asked.
"Marie's still trying to teach me about games." I answered, giving him a quick hug. He rolled his eyes and let go of me, walking over to Steve and started talking about God knows what.
I went back to Marie and sat down, Tony and Steve following. They both poured out champagne and talked about the Tower and boring stuff like that. All of a sudden, JARVIS' voice sounded through the room.
"Sir, the telephone. I'm afraid my protocols are being overwritten." I cocked my head in confusion, until a familiar voice replaced JARVIS'.
"Mr. Stark, we need to talk." I smiled at the voice as Tony picked up his phone.
"You have reached the life model decoy of Tony Stark. Please leave a message."
"This is urgent."
"Then leave it urgently." I rolled my eyes at Tony's cockiness. I heard the elevator doors slide open, so I turned around and saw the owner of the voice.
"Phil!" I exclaimed. "Come in."
"Phil?" Tony questioned. I ignored him and stood up to walk over to him, but not before turning off Marie's game.
"Hey! I was playing that!" She protested.
"I can't stay." Phil said to me as I walked over.
"His first name is agent." Tony said, following me.
"Why not?" I asked.
"You'll see." He answered. Turning toward Tony, he held out a black folder-looking thing. "We need all four of you to look this over."
"I don't like to handed things." Tony said, backing away slightly.
"Oh for Odin's sake!" I yelled, taking the thing and shoving it into Tony's arms, catching the glass before it hit the floor and giving it to Marie.
"Official consulting hours are between 8 and 5 every other Thursday."
"This isn't a consultation."
At this point I had joined Tony's side and Marie had wandered over because of my yelling.
"Ooh, is this about the Avengers?" Marie asked. "Which I know nothing about."
"The Avengers initiative was scrapped, I thought and I didn't even qualify, never mind Marie and Liz. I imagine Steve would though." Tony said, pulling out the device and walking over to his desk, Marie and I following. "Apparently I'm volatile, self-obsessed, don't play well with others." Tony continued.
"That we all knew." Marie added, smirking. Tony gave her a small death glare before going back to the device.
"This isn't about personality profiles anymore." Phil told Tony. Glancing back, tony called Steve over.
"You know, I thought we were having a moment."
"Yeah well this seems important Tony."
"What are you guys talking about?" Marie butted in, an innocent look on her face. I hit her on the arm, in which she replied with a whine. "What is all this?" She asked leaning over Tony's shoulder.
"This is..." Tony began, flicking all the things from the device into the air. "This." All around us were pictures and videos of all of us, as well as the lady I met when first coming here, Natasha I think it was, and a couple others I didn't recognise.
"We've got a lot of homework. I'm making coffee." Marie said, walking towards the elevator and leaving the room with Phil. Tony started messing around with some of the stuff in the air, whilst me and Steve stood by each other staring at all the stuff in bewilderment. Steve went over to Tony and started to talk about whatever this stuff is, whilst I just sat back and stared. After a while I decided to go join Marie in the kitchen, so I left the couple and went down in the elevator.

Marie's POV:
I walked out of the elevator into the giant kitchen, heading towards the wall cupboards filled with mine and Elizabeth's sweets. (yes, we're British, deal with it) I grabbed a bag of Haribo and a glass jar of jelly beans, then put on the coffee maker. Opening the bag, I grabbed a handful of Haribo and stuffed my face, I then sat down on the bar stools waiting for the coffee to finish. A little while later I heard the elevator doors slide open. Spinning around in the chair I saw Liz walking towards me, eyeing the sweets. "What's all that for?" She asked.
"We're gonna be up all night, figured we'd need something to help us stay awake."I held out the jar to her and she took it quickly, opening the lid and taking a handful. She looked at me for a long second then shovelled the jelly beans into her mouth.
"Excuse my un lady like behaviour, it's just these sweets are delicious and..." She trailed off and looked down at the jar. This made me laugh as she did the same thing just this time she started laughing and was practically choking. I couldn't help her as I was laughing to hard and so was she. It wasn't long until the doors opened and Tony came rushing in.
"Why is Liz dying?" Tony questioned walking over to her. He clapped her super hard on the back "Choke up chicken." (Yes its not a well used sayin but I use it so :P/ no it most certainly isn't Becca. Your crazy/ but it is mol/ shut your face people are reading) He walked to the chair and sat down waiting for her to stop her coughing fit which stopped after a few more minutes. She then stood up straight and said "I think it would be best if I lay of the deadly jelly beans." and with that she left the kitchen after putting the killer sweets down.
"So what you doing down here?" Tony asked me.
"I'm getting sweets and coffee for our long night." I answered, pouring out the coffee into four mugs.
"Good plan." Tony said, grabbing one of the mugs and taking a long sip. "Ready to go?"
"Yup." I said, grabbing the sweets and coffee, skilfully carrying them to elevator. We arrived upstairs after a few moments, walking out and towards Steve and Liz. They were talking about getting ready to leave to wherever S.H.I.E.L.D had their base. We were getting picked up in the morning in a jet, then flying to the location where we would meet Fury and the rest of the Avengers.
"So, let's get down to business." Tony cracked his knuckles.
"To defeat, the Huns!" I sang loudly. Liz laughed at me, obviously getting the reference, since I made her binge watch Disney movies for a whole week last month. Steve looked confused and Tony hit me in the back of the head. "It's from a film." I told Steve.
After Liz had stopped laughing, we crowded round the holograms, I passed round all the coffee. For a few minutes we just talked about the basics of the other Avengers, mostly trying to teach Liz and Steve how to use the computer. After a while, Tony interrupted our train of spoken thoughts.
"What the heck is this thing?" He asked to no one in particular. In his hands was a hologram of a glowing blue cube. I shrugged my shoulders, but I heard Liz gasp beside me. We all turned to look at her as she leaned forward, examining the thing. "You know what this thing is?"
"It's the Tesseract... But why is it here, on Midgard?"
"It says that the Tesseract was what was stolen." Tony said, speeding through files. "What is the Tesseract?"
"The Tesseract is a sort of... Container, I suppose, for an infinity stone that possesses unlimited power."
"What's an infinity stone?" Steve asked.
"An infinity stone is an extremely powerful object. There are six in total, all of which have existed before the universe. The Cosmic Entities forged these stones when the universe came to be, and if my knowledge serves me well, then the Tesseract it's self represents the fabric of space." She answered, staring into the hologram with wonder. "But I always thought that the Tesseract was locked in Odin's vault. Do you know who stole it?" I looked through the files for a few seconds before answering.
"There isn't a name, but I have found some security camera footage." I brought up the video and played it. It showed a man with kinda long black hair, who was wearing green and gold armour. He had a strange golden stick in one hand, that appeared to have something that resembled the Tesseract in the top. Looking over at Elizabeth, I saw that her face had mixed looks of shock, horror and disbelief.
"Are you ok?" Steve asked, placing a hand on Liz's shoulder. All of a sudden she stood up.
"I'm going to get ready and go to bed goodnight Steve make sure they don't stay up too late." She said quickly before running to the elevator and leaving. We all looked around each other, confused at what had just happened.
"Let's just get on with our work." Tony said, taking a sip of his coffee. All night we stayed up, looking through files and documents and research, trying to find out whatever we could about all of this. We chatted and laughed, but all of us had worrying thoughts about Elizabeth in the back of our minds.

Sisters of a playboy and a GodOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant