Never Normal Again

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"Okay," the dark haired boy, Josh, I heard Leo call him, says, taking a deep breath, "this is going to sound very strange..." I can't help but smirk.

"Stranger than me being able to control sharks and make water float and swirl around me and Lily having an army of Loyal chipmunks? This oughta be good," I say, pretending to get more comfortable. Josh smirks right back at me, and I can't help but think that it looks very attractive. I blush, hoping he doesn't notice. 

"Yes," he starts, "much stranger than that. How do I explain this? You guys posses...power that normal humans don't," 

"Oh," I say, "I think that after that experience, we've established that we'll never be normal again," I finish, looking at Lily. She smacks me, and motions for Josh to go on. He laughs, and continues.

"You are Genus Terras, or Race of the Earth. People often call us faeries, and I can see where they're coming form, but we are not faeries. We are guardians of the forest or the ocean. We live in a whole different world that is not visible to the human eye. It is glamoured, which means that we use magic to make it seem as though it's normal. Forest Terras are beings who can control aspects of the forest, either winter aspects or summer aspects. Water Terras can control either fresh water or salt water, and the creatures in it. I am a Salt Water Terras, hence the dolphin show you saw yesterday," he pauses, giving me a warm smile. I blush. So that's how he got the dolphins to do those fancy tricks. And that's why he stayed underwater for so long. "And Leo is a Summer Forest Terras. All Terras also have the slightest bit of compulsion. It only works on humans. That's how we got your parents to move here. This is the main home of the Terras. You can't see it right now because it's heavily protected with glamour. You'll see it if you look more closely..." he says turning to the border of the beach and the forest. I clean my mind of everything, and focus on the border. I imagine it being wiped away with a rag. It's very difficult, but I finally start to see it. There is a huge palace. Half of it is on the forest side, and half of it is on the beach side. I see people all around it. No, not people. Terras. There are so many of them. I look in the forest, and I see a little girl about JuJu’s age in a tree, talking to a squirrel. I look to the beach side, and I see a bunch of Terras in the water. They are making the water lift them up and they are willing it to splash each other, and laughing. They all have bright blue eyes, but none of them are as beautiful as Josh’s. I look over to Lily, and it looks like she hasn’t quite managed to see it yet.

“Imagine it like you’re wiping the table with a cloth. That’s what I did,” I tell her, smiling at the sight in front of me. It’s spectacular. I look over at Lily again, and judging by the look on her face, she sees it. Josh smiles.

“That’s the royal palace. We are guardians of the King and Queen of both sides. There is royalty for the forest and the beach Terras,” he says, looking at the enormous palace. “If you haven’t guessed, Skyler, you are a Water Terras, and Lily, you are a Forest Terras. You two are very powerful. You are the princesses of our race,” he says, looking at us. Hold up. Princesses? I hardly wear dresses. I love sports. I am not princess material. Lily is, though. She loves dresses and makeup. “However, you are not normal princesses. You are very powerful because you both posses the power to control both aspects of the forest and the water. Skyler, you can control salt and fresh water, and Lily, you can control the winter forest and the summer forest. This has never happened before, and that’s why we had to hide you in the human world. There are many people out to kill you, to find out the secret behind you’re unusual blood. We wanted the best life for you, so we made sure you got adopted by the family that you did. Now that you’re fourteen, your full powers have come, and we can’t hide you anymore. Leo and I were assigned to protect you from any danger. Most Terras are good, but there are still many that use their abilities for violence and blood. They always want to invade the palace, in hopes of capturing you two and experimenting on you until they find out how to make more like you. It’s our job to protect you and make sure they can never get that chance,” he says.

“I have a question,” I say in a small voice. I clear my throat and ask, “Can we learn to fight? I mean, it’s not that I don’t love having some macho guy protecting me,” I pause, looking at Josh. He smirks and I blush again. “But what if we’re alone and they manage to find us? Are we supposed to scream and wait for you to come to our rescue?” Josh and Leo look at each other for a few seconds. Then, he answers.

“If you want to learn how to fight, we’ll teach you,” I look at Lily, but she doesn’t seem so enthusiastic. I realize that she hasn’t said a word this whole time.

“Lil, are you okay? Do you want to learn how to fight?” I ask in a soothing voice.

“This is all so weird. I feel like I’m in a dream…but I don’t really want to learn how to fight, even though I am scared that people will take us away. You can though, Sky. You’d be great at it,” she finishes, smiling.

“Wait a second,” I say, frowning, “If we’re royalty, than does that mean that we live in there?” I say, pointing to the palace. “We just have to pack up our stuff and leave our family without telling them where we’re going?” I ask.

“That’s the one part we can’t quite figure out. We need to ask your parents,” he pauses, then he corrects himself, “your real parents, what do to about that. For now, we’ll compel your adoptive parents to think that they are sending you to you’re aunt and uncle in England for the summer, then we’ll figure out what to do after that,” he says. “In fact, we already did. Bring your stuff back out here in two hours, and we’ll show you to your rooms in the palace. Both the Kings and Queens want to talk to you both tonight,” Josh finishes. Lily looks dazed.

“You mean, we get to meet our real parents? What if they don’t like us? What if we’re disappointments?” She asks, looking scared.

“Lil, if they are disappointed in you, than they can’t be you’re real parents. You’d make a perfect princess. I’m the one they would be disappointed in! I barely wear dresses! I play basketball! I hate shopping! I’m, like, the opposite of a princess!” I say. Josh and Leo laugh.

"I have one more question..." I ask. Josh nods. "I noticed that the Terras in the sea over there all have really bright blue eyes, like you, and all the summer forest Terras have green eyes, and the winter ones have either blue or brown eyes. If I am a Salt water Terras, then why don't I have blue eyes? Lily makes more sense. Her eyes are blue sometimes and green sometimes..." I finish.

"Ah, that's simple. Fresh water Terras usually have brown or hazel eyes, and since you posses both powers, it makes sense that your eyes are brown. You also have shiny, nice blond hair, which salt water Terras generally have. I know, I have dark hair, but that's pretty rare," he says. I blush at the fact that he called my hair nice and shiny. I think he notices that too, because a small blush creeps up his beach-tanned face and he looks away. Leo smiles and changes the subject. 

“You guys better get packing. Even though you aren’t human, you are girls, and it’s scary how long you can spend on clothes…like a different life form or something…” he trails off, smiling to himself. I get up and offer a hand to Lily. She takes it and stands up. She looks slightly pale, so I put an arm around her and say:

“Lets go get ready to visit our aunt and uncle!”

She smiles as we walk back to our home, probably for the last time.  



new chapter!


So this is intense.



I'm not normal.

but im not a magical earth being

im just strange.



-Fiona :D  

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