The Party

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"Wow," Sky and I mutter at the exact same time. We walk into our new house (more like a mansion) to see marble floors and delicate looking furniture placed everywhere. There's a giant chandelier placed above us and then a winding staircase going upwards. I walk further into the house to see a giant kitchen with new appliances and granite countertops, a beautiful dining room with leather seats and a polished, wooden table, a garage with all the boxes in it, and a bunch of random, empty rooms. And that's just the first floor. 

"Lil, you've gotta come see our rooms!" Skyler calls from upstairs somewhere. I go back to the entry way and towards the stairs, catiously climbing them. When I reach the top I enter a wide, long hallway with yet more marble floors. There are many doors on each side, and as I expected, Skyler and I have rooms right across from each other and at the very end of the hallway. There are more hallways leading other places, but I decide to go explore those later.

I enter Skyler's room and see it looks a lot like her last room, except the slightest bit more spacious. The movers already unpacked the whole upstairs floor, so they just need to do the bottom floor and the basement. Most people don't have a basement in California, but I guess our family's weird like that. 

Skyler sits on her bed with bright, blue bedding. The wall has this wacky wallpaper with palm trees and a beach scene on it. Skyler loves the beach, and I honestly don't know why. If she could, she'd probably live in the water. I'm one to talk, though, I have a strange obsession with the forest, forest animals, and plants. 

Looking out the window, Skyler has a clear view of the beach. I then look around the rest of the room to see her regular dressers, then her walk in closet, school desk, and makeup desk. Even a place for all her basketball stuff! It looks pretty good to me, but perfectly perfect in every way for Skyler. 

"Wow, this is even bigger then your last room!" I exclaim, spinning around and putting my hands above my head. My dress flows out around me as I do. I love to wear floral dresses when Skyler loves to wear shorts and t-shirts. 

"Yeah, and you have to see yours! I think you'll love it!" Skyler exclaims, her long, blonde hair brushing against my cheek as she rushes past me. I follow her back out the door and into the hallway. She opens the door to my room and we walk in. 

"Holy crap," I breath as I walk into the bright, flourescent room. My bedspread is the same, but the bed is bigger and has a beautiful, green canopy hanging over it. To the right is the walk in closet and to my left is a full-length mirror much bigger and longer then the last one due to how much I've grown. There's of course a school desk, makeup desk, and all my jewelery and clothes are in boxes at the back of the room. Skyler jumps onto my bed and a look of disappointment crosses her face as she jumps on it a little more. 

"Damn it, yours isn't a waterbed like mine!" She pouts and goes to the full-length mirror, examining herself. She leans forward a little bit, a strange expression passing over her usually calm face. 

"You okay, Sky?" I ask, going to the boxes in the back of the room and unpacking them. The reason I didn't get Hidie to do this is because I don't want other people touching my clothes and personal items. My parents are so rich they could've probably hired someone just for unpacking my room. No joke. 

Skyler suddenly straightens up and leans away from the mirror, putting on her normal yet slightly distressed looking expression. 

"Yeah, I'm fine," she says casually and skips to the window. "Hey, Liv, you've got a clear view of the forest!" I squeal in joy and make my way to the window, being met there by a beautiful sight. I can see the forest from here, and it seems like endless miles of green stretching across the horizon. The trees seem to ruffle slightly in the breeze and I sigh, wanting nothing more then to go down there and be in the forest. 

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