More crushes

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Alsooooooo, I have another question. How would you react if I told you Taguchi (My Hetalia me, basically. I don't talk about her a lot.) had a crush on America? xD 

Taguchi: *Glares at me from across the room, her fists balled up tight*



Zubicu chokes on her drink. "WHAT?!"

I cough, laughing. "What a turn of events! It's certainly amusing to find out our older brother has an admirer."

Zubicu just sits there, wide-eyed, before she starts to chuckle. Soon it turns into a full-blown laugh.

I chuckle "No need to be moody, Taguchi."

"Well, hope that answered your question. Even though it wasn't much of one, more like an opinion. xD Keep 'em coming, and have a nice day! See ya next time!"

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