Chapter 21 - Reluctance for Gondolas

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Doctor 1st Person POV: 

I woke that morning to the sound of birds. 

Rose was curled into my chest, and my arms were around her waist. I shifted slowly, trying to get up without waking her, but Rose pulled me back sleepily.

"No don't get up." She grumbled, voice raspy.

"Rose, we have to get up though. Da Vinci won't wait!" I chuckled when she scrunched up her nose.

"Yes he will." I rolled my eyes and pulled her off the bed in a bridal carry. She shrieked. "I'm going to kill you for that."

"I wouldn't doubt it."

"Good." I set her down, and she trudged to the closet. I threw on my Renaissance clothes and buckled my over-coat. 

"Hey, can you do up my laces again please?" She held up a dress very similar to the last, but red and cream in colour. I sighed and nodded, hoping that I could contain myself this time. 

I did up her laces quicker than when I did it last, but still had to control my breathing. And my hands. Why did I have to control these things? 

I tied a little bow at the top of her dress, eyeing her bare skin through the ribbons. It was taking all of my impulse not to do... things.

Why was I thinking that?! Rose was my best friend, not some play-thing. 

"Doctor, you all right?" I looked up from my daze. 

"Um, yeah. Fine." 

"Right. Well, I'm gonna go downstairs and see what Leonardo is up too." She spun on her heels, her hair making a halo around her head, and bounced down the steep staircase. I followed her, squeaking the stairs and sounding louder than I thought a man of my size could sound. 

We found Leonardo with an apple in hand, but not eating it. He seemed to be studying it, with a very intense expression on his face. 

"Ummm..." Rose tapped him out of his trance, and he looked at her with a confused expression. "Hi. Mr. Da Vinci?"

"Oh. Oh, Rose, yes, sorry! Good morn to the both of you. I trust you had a pleasant sleep?" He asked, his eyes twinkling mischievously. I cleared my throat, and Rose's cheeks turned pink.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, we did. Thank you." I said.

"No problem at all, good Doctor. Now tell me, Madame Rose, what is it that you and your companion would like to see?" Rose spoke up.

"Well, we were wondering if there were any portraits you were painting at the moment?" He looked surprised.

"Yes, there are a few. I was actually going to work on my newest subject: a woman by the name of Lisa Gherardini. Would you be interested in meeting her?"

Rose shared a look with me and I smiled encouragingly. 

"We would love to, thanks." She smiled, and he held out his elbow for her. She took it. I felt a stab in my stomach. Jealousy? I cleared my throat again and Rose turned around. 

"Oh come on then." She held out her other arm, which I took reluctantly. Leonardo smirked and I scowled at him. "Come on boys, we don't have all day." 

Leonardo led us down the cobblestone streets with Verrocchio following behind us, carrying Da Vinci's paints and canvas. We walked for a few minutes, pausing occasionally to study the atmosphere of the places.

We stopped near a bridge that overlooked the water, and it had a building perched on the edge. It's walls were stone, and vintage-looking in a beautiful way. There was also a woman in a green dress standing in front of the building. She looked impatient, but greeted Leonardo in a kindly manner and was smiling in our direction. 

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