Chapter 14 - Amorai

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*I drew a picture of Rose's dress, and it should be posted pretty soon, when I actually find the time to upload it because I am lazy* hey look I did it now it is up ^.^

Rose 1st Person POV: (In between episodes " The Idiot's Lantern", and "The Impossible Planet.")     In the TARDIS

We headed into the TARDIS late that evening after drinking orange drinks and celebrating with all of those people that had lost and regained loved ones. The Doctor barely left my side, hugging me occasionally and touching my back or my face the whole time, and only leaving to get drinks. I couldn't really tell what was bothering him, because he barely talked the whole party, mostly just looking at me and laughing a little. We waltzed away silently at about 10 o'clock, leaving the lights and the music. We headed up the road to the Tardis, not talking or making noise, just holding hands tightly. 

He opened the blue doors for me and gestured inside with his hands, exaggerating gentlemanly-ness, so I played along, holding my chin up, and gathered my pink skirts like a Victorian lady. He followed behind, and we walked up to the console. We stared completely straight-faced at each other for a moment, then burst out laughing. We laughed for a long time. I held my stomach and the Doctor was doubled over, and we were both laughing our problems away. 

After about five minutes of over-extenuated laughter, he led me to my room to change clothes, even though I had insisted that 'I did-in-fact know where my room was, and that I was perfectly capable of finding it by myself'. He didn't say anything back, just kissed the back of my hand and held it tighter as we walked down the hallway. 

"Maybe change and meet me back in the control room?" He asked sweetly.

"Sure." I kissed his cheek. 

I closed the door quietly and heard his footsteps fade. Then, I walked over to my wardrobe, which was quiet large, and opened the carved oak doors. I saw that the TARDIS had laid out some clothes for me that were appropriate for our next adventure: a pink sundress with white flowers, silver flats, a gold belt, and a TARDIS blue and silver bathing suit. It was an adorable outfit, to be honest, and I was pretty curious about why I needed it. 

But I put it on anyway, and stared in the mirror. I marveled at how it made me look thinner, as well as how the blue bathing suit made my eyes look different. The sundress fit me perfectly, and I found a pair of gold sunglasses to put in my hair, which I had done in an up-do. I took one more look in the mirror, and wondered why I was so worried about my appearance. I told myself that it wasn't because of the Doctor, it was because I was a female who wanted to look pretty. (But it was a lie though)

I strolled out of my room, walking quickly to the control room and shivering because of the lack of clothing. The control room was warmer, however, and so the chills subsided. The Doctor was leaning on one of the coral pillars, wearing his pants, converse, and a shirt. His suit-coat and tie were thrown over the railings, and she tried not to stare because his t-shirt was navy blue and tighter than usual. 

"'Ello Rose. Blimey-" His eyes skimmed her outfit, and I saw his jaw go slack. Then he looked up again. "We are going to travel to a planet called Amorai." He said, his eyebrow raised and his mouth in a grin.

"Oh really? A real planet?" I sarcastically smiled. " I knew a bloke once who could travel to any planet we wanted, and through time. You wouldn't believe it." 

"Oh really?" He said, playing along and stepping closer. 

"Oh yes. We saw the most amazing things. Even if I told you, you wouldn't think it was true." I was smiling widely now, and he was nearly touching me. 

Forever ~ A tenrose fanfictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora