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Shadow and Mephiles are finished changing into their suits a/n their both the same suit as KAITO's in acute 'Guilty'
Shadow: I'll won't let you sly this out Mephiles
Mephiles: 'nodded'
Amy: alright! I'm done! A/n the dress what Miku's wearing 'Innocent'
They two were stunned of Amy's dress
Shadow: you look lovely Rose
Amy: thanks Shads, no time to chat, let's get in our positions
They nodded and went to their positions while the stage is still dark, Sonic and Silver and watching them behind the curtains
Sonic: I bet they'll mess up
Silver: I thought you'll mess up in the first act, but I was wrong
Bunnie walked in the stage
Bunnie: alright sugars! Thanks for coming back at the second act everyone, this act is by the song 'Acute', from others who don't know what it means, let me explain it, it's a story of 3 friends and those three friends are the ones who'll be dancing soon, and the singers are Shadow, Amy, & Mephiles
The fangirls of the band were shock and shouted 'ehhhh?!'
Bunnie: hey Mephiles can talk okay, so as what I'm saying, from this song it's about that Amy was engaged to her friend name Shadow, Shadow was happy that he was engaged to the person he loved, but to Amy she was secretly having a love affair with her friend with Shadow, name Mephiles, Amy loved Mephiles more than Shadow, but when Shadow was calling Mephiles, Amy told him to put the phone down and Shadow heard Amy's voice in the phone, he felt rage and anger, so what did he do, well he grabbed a kitchen knife and tried to find Amy and Mephiles, so once he did, Shadow stabbed Amy right at her chest, but don't you think that was that, he stab himself right at his neck and Mephiles just stood there frozen in shock, and that's the story so let's begin the dance you three
Bunnie ran out of the stage when the lights were lit, and the music began play the video above

Feelings in this empty room, will lead the three of us to doom
Feelings in my broken heart, are slowly tearing us apart
Moments burning at the seams, light the sky up just like in my dreams
Ashes shatter all around, just like my feelings
Gently we'll burn down to the ground

The audience were surprised that Mephiles can sing, Matrix was impressed himself even Mana
Mana: wow elder brother can sing nicely
Matrix: I know my son can do it

I thought I'd be fine, with running away all the time
With all of my might, I'll get lost in the night
I can hear the rain, remaining of me all the pain
Filled up with regrets, I can't seem to forget

I want you to look at me, and tell me that you love me
Once Shadow began singing the fangirls were cheering along
Am I asking for too much? Just to feel your touch
My minds going hazy, this love's making me crazy

Am & Sh
Can you see it too?
As the darkness starts to shrink, the desires in me form a link
I just want to shout it out, erase of all your lies and doubts
Shadows come and disappear, bringing with them all our pain and fears
However I'll always be waiting in the silence, frightened
I'll say, that it's okay

I've wanted to know, since when did I accept love?
Is this how it goes? I've put you at the top
Sounds passing me by, should I give this another try?
Times ticking away, I don't know what to say

No matter how many times I've tried, I give in to your lies
All the fangirls were shocked cause of Mephiles's singing voice, but soon they all cheer for him too
Hearing all this chatter, I think my heart will shatter
Thoughts of suicide, run through my head when I am near you

Am & Me
What am I left to do?
Friends both turned to enemies yet, I can't help hide this love in me
Smiling, hearing all your lies, but soon after you'll hear my cries
Words you whisper in my ear, reassuring me of all my fears
I don't know how longer much, my heart will hold out
Please make the pain vanish away

The first part is where Shadow and Mephiles were dancing then Amy's doing her part and Rosetta was impressed of Amy's swiftly dance moves

Feelings hide inside this room, will eventually lead us to doom
I just want to shout it out, erase all of your lies and doubts

Shadows come and disappear, bringing with them all our pain and fears
Hide that grin upon your face

My heart is in a horrid place
As the darkness starts to shrink, the desires in me form a link
Feelings in my broken heart, slowly tearing us apart
Moments bursting at the seams, light the sky up just like in my dream
Ashes scatter all around, just like my feelings
Gently we'll burn down to the ground

After the finale everyone was clapping, Shadow got up along with Mephiles and they helped Amy up, they bowed and ran out the stage

Okay sorry for the delay and to all of the anti-Mephamy fans please forgive me but the next song is 'Magnet' is coming soon

4 Princes, 1 Rose (Sonamy vs Shadamy vs Silvamy vs Mephamy)Where stories live. Discover now