Silvamy part 1

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Amy's POV
It's been a month since me and my family moved here, and it's been a month since one of the popstars Sonic the hedgehog and Shadow the hedgehog have been in love with me, Sonic's in the same class with me and Shadow's in the same class with Rouge, but Cream told me that there's the other two I wonder where are they?
Then I saw Cream walking up to me
Amy: what is it Cream?
Cream: me, ms. Freed, and ms. Tikal talk with you on the school roof, it's important
Amy: okay
I followed Cream to the school roof, apparently Tikal and Freed are already there
Amy: hey girls, what's up?
Tikal: Amy can you join the school's drama club?
Amy: I haven't thought about joining clubs yet
Freed: please Amy, and one more thing next month it'll be this school-year's Halloween festival
Amy: well let me think about it, and I didn't know there's a Halloween festival in this school?

?'s POV
I was in the school roof alone, I was thinking to myself that I felt like I'm invisible, even if I'm popular I still feel invisible I wonder why, but I heard voices, when I turned and hid myself from a tree, when I peek a bit I saw Sonic's classmates Cream, Tikal, and Freed, with a girl I never met, she's looks beautiful, and cute even with a braid she has wait oh no my condition for cuteness, control it, maybe she knows who I am

Amy's POV
I understand now there's a Halloween festival in this school, but when I look up I saw a silver like-white hedgehog walking towards us
?: hey, what're you girls doing in the roof?
Cream: oh mr. Silver!
Tikal: hey Silver this is our new classmate Amy Rose, Amy this is Silver he's one of the 4 popular guys in the freshmen level, and one of the smartest hedgehog from one of them
Amy: wow..
Silver's walking towards me
Silver: nice to meet you, if you already know it the top 4 freshmen here is also are a boy band called 'Blood Emeralds'?
Freed: oh yea, Amy I forgot to tell you that the 4 are pop stars as well, Sonic's, the 3 necked guitarist and vocalist, Shadow's the bassist and vocalist, Silver's the electric pianist, and Mephiles's is the drummer
Amy: really? I already knew that Freed, I'm just pretending that I didn't know
Silver: if your shocked by that, I bet that your old town knew who we are already
I don't want to lie but I have to tell him the truth
Amy: to be honest, I never knew the Blood Emeralds, it's the first time I've heard about it, I'm not much of a fan of boy bands, so I never heard about you guys

Silver's POV
Amy: I'm not much of a fan of boy bands, so I never heard about you guys
That sentence traumatized me, I never known there's a person who never heard about me, I was mad in the inside just like in the past, I want to hurt her but I can't hit a girl it's not in my nature, so I did another possible thing to do

Normal POV
Silver ran to the stairs behind the girls, Amy's shocked about Silver's expression
Amy: wow, that was embarrassing
When Amy looked at the girls they're shocked at Amy more
Amy: what?
Cream: Amy, you can't say that to mr. Silver!
Freed: yeah, Silver hate people who didn't know about the Blood Emeralds, and I also heard that he hates being treated like he didn't exist, even if he's a pianist he treated himself like he didn't exist, and he only survives if people pays attention to him or the other guys
Amy: oh I'm sorry, I didn't know that it's just my sisters loved boy bands and their school allows that, but my school is an exact opposite since I'm in 1st to the 10th grade my school doesn't allowed rock music so they only allowed jazz music
Tikal: no wonder, but you better come here tomorrow, Silver hates people who didn't come, and he'll kill them even if their girls
Amy: 'nervous' I-I see? I don't wanna die early so I will come tomorrow

Silver's POV
I walked back in my classroom and I saw my classmate/friend Blaze walking towards me
Blaze: hey Silver, what's going on?
Silver: Blaze do you know by a girl name Amy Rose?
Blaze: Uhhh yea, she's my little sister
Silver: well then, is it true that her school listens to jazz?
Blaze: yea, it's a bit embarrassing, why?
Silver: just asking Amy Rose I will challenge you, I. Silver the hedgehog, Prince of White Rose will make a fan out of you, and make you know about the Blood Emeralds!

I think that this part of this story will be a little longer than the other 2, oh well....
The Silvamy begins..... And Silver's a Prince of White Rose, on the next chapter 'Silvamy part 2'
And I've been noticing that there's no comments in the chapter of 'asking', why?

4 Princes, 1 Rose (Sonamy vs Shadamy vs Silvamy vs Mephamy)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant