Shadamy part 2

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Shadow's POV
It was another day like usual good thing it's a Saturday, I wore my hoodie white my sunglasses and went out of my house I walked around the city to see what's up with things, I walked to the park and see some people, kids, and couples, it sometimes makes me sick but when I looked at the clover fields, I saw a girl looking for something I have no choice but to walked towards her and when I noticed it was Rose with twin tails and wearing a short dress
Shadow: Rose, what are you doing?
Rose turn towards me
Amy: I'm looking for a flower
Shadow: what'd you mean. Everywhere there's a lot of clovers ones with three leaves and I saw one over there with a four leaf
Amy: 'turned back' not that, the kind of flower I'm looking for is a clover with 5 leaves they say that it's a rare kind
Rose got up and looked at me
Amy: what about you Shadow? Will you be my clover leaf?
My eyes are widen cause her eyes, her smile, and her quills being blown by the wind, her beauty is unique unlike any other girl I've met
Shadow: umm, 'blushed' I don't know how to answer that 'rub the back of my head'
Amy: I see 'kneel down and still smiling' pls sit down with me
Shadow: f-fine 'sat next to Rose'

Normal POV
Shadow and Amy are still looking at the clovers, till Amy spoke
Amy: hey Shadow, is there a reason why you wanted to be alone?
Shadow: well I hate being with a crowd except Omega
Amy: have you've been with Omega as a friend or as a company with you?
Shadow: 'looked at Amy' you can say both, at the end he's still with me
Amy: that's nice of him
Shadow: have you been dating someone?
Amy: what? No I didn't, I'm still new and I haven't got a boyfriend yet
Shadow: I see
Amy: wanna know something, at my old school I was the most cutest girl in the whole school, cause I got my dad's charming side and my mom's beauty side, all the boys want me but sadly I refuse they're offers to be their girlfriend, cause I'm not yet ready for it so when I moved here with my sisters and my mom, I would make a new start
Shadow: oh I get it
Amy: hey Shads
Shadow: Shads?
Amy: well you gave me a nickname 'Rose' so I thought of giving you one
Shadow: I see, well what you wanna say to me?
Amy: how's my sister Rouge doing? In your class?
Shadow: well all the guys finds her sexy, but apparently her charms didn't work on me but she is a cool girl and sometimes smart
Amy: I knew Rouge will be like that
Shadow: are you sure you two are related?
Amy: well we're half-sisters along side with Blaze, you couldn't seen my mom's face when she read that Rouge's & Blaze's mom's letter, it started when I was 7
At Amy's house, Amy invited Rouge and Blaze and Rosetta walked up to her
Rosetta: why hello
Rouge: hello I'm Rouge and this is Blaze
Blaze: nice to meet you
Rosetta: nice to meet you as well 'holding a magazine'
Rouge: well you see we only came here cause we're the daughters of your father
Amy was shocked and including Rosetta and dropped her magazine
Rosetta: well that's impossible
Blaze: well here 'they gave Rosetta two letters' this is a letter from our belated mothers before their accident
Rosetta: alright let's see 'began reading the letters'
Amy sneaked a little peek from it, after Rosetta read the letter she froze of one minute then she grabbed her cellphone and began dialing it to her husband
Rosetta: hello dear it's me 'removed the bun and let her hair down' mind if you could explain yourself 'dark aura surrounded her body' explain as your crushes, I couldn't know you influence 3-timer 'crushed the plastic vase with her fist' going overseas and been dating girls behind me and you daughter's back!
While Rosetta's still talking on her cellphone, Rouge and Blaze were in total shocked and turned to Amy
Blaze: h-hey am-Amy
Amy: mommy used to be in a biker gang before she was crowned princess
Then Rosetta throw her cellphone on the floor so hard
Rosetta: DON'T EVER COME HOME!!, 'wrote down a note in a piece of paper and pass it to Jenkins' here Jenkins and go to the town hall
Jenkins: yes m'lady 'left'
Rosetta: Amelia, forget about your father he's dead to us
Rouge: does that mean he won't come home
Amy: exactly
Then Rosetta hug Rouge, Amy, & Blaze
Rosetta: don't worry my doves I'll still take care of you three with all my heart
Amy: yay! I have new sisters!
End of flashback
Amy: and that's what happened
Shadow: wow.... I didn't know your mom's like that?
Amy: I know right? That the reason why I also have my mom's anger genes, so do you have something to do tomorrow?
Shadow: yeah, my dad invited me to his private party and he said I could invite someone
Amy: that's nice 'held Shadow's hand' it would be nice to go there
Shadow lightly blushed a bit
Shadow: say Rose, do you wanna go to the party at the garden? I have something to tell you
Amy: 'shocked and blushed' umm.....sure I don't have any plans
Shadow: 'small smiling at Amy' great 'gave her a piece of paper' this is the place, well see ya there 'stand up and walked away'
Amy still shocked, and yet her heart started beat fast again the same with Sonic
Amy: I was surprised and yet my heart skipped a beat it's the same time with Sonic, those this means.... I'm in love with Shadow as well? It may be a bit possible but yet impossible at the same time too
With Shadow he stopped and looked up in the sky and thought
Shadow: I have to tell her, even if I only met her I have to tell her how I fell towards Rose,

Wow, Shadamy, (and FYI, I'm not a Shadamy, Silvamy, or a Mephamy fan)
Next chapter coming soon

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