What's Next?

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You've made this far. Now what?

Well, of course, Hybrid .4 is part of a series. A trilogy, to be specific!

The next book you should read if you want to know more about this universe, is Strangers and Soldiers, which, at the moment, has a prologue and three chapters written so far. It stars Ethan, who, if you don't remember, was the best friend of Trevor, before they both fell into hundred-year comas.

Once I finish with Strangers and Soldiers, the following are on my schedule:

Last One Left (Book Three of The Upgrade Trilogy)

1.486: Foreigners of the Fallen (Book One of The Omniscience Trilogy. Coming in June.)


Hope you've enjoyed Hybrid .4! Feel free to leave your feedback in the comments! :D

Hybrid .4 (Book One of The Upgrade Trilogy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora