Now I'm Gonna Be Up All Night

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That caught me off guard. "No-no, that's not possible."

Okay, let's be real here-have you ever once compared humans to phones, cameras, or TVs? Yeah, me neither. We created technology, therefore we can't be technology! We have personalities, flaws, we're imperfect, and we accept that!

The machines we've made, we designed them to do jobs that took too long for us to handle, to communicate with one another across far distances, and to keep us entertained for those times we're bored! We have these devices, to make our lives easier!

How could we take the place of our someone else, when science stated there were no signs of alien life whatsoever?




Unless science was wrong.

Unless there are really other creatures in this universe, that live too far away for us to find them.

My head was fogged with logic and evidence, and I was feeling very wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey-spacey-wacey-queasy-weasy.






Most important, WHY?

"I thought you said you'd believe whatever we gave you." Heidi retorted, snapping me out of my daze.

This was too much to comprehend, and to actually believe. "I was expecting this to be a sick joke, not... humans substituting computers. There must be something wrong."

"You're darn right, something's wrong." Eric sulked, his eyes darting dramatically around the room. "But guess what? It's been wrong for a long, long time now. And we can do ab-so-lute-ly flipping nothing to make things better."

"And 'The Upgrade', it's responsible for why you've become wanted criminals?" I asked, putting Upgrade into quotation marks.

Lilly piped in. "Exactly, but we don't have our faces plastered on posters. This is all because of the most recent human upgrade, and one I accidentally missed because I was in the worst place at the worst time."

"You missed it too." Kyle nodded in my direction. "So did I. And so did Heidi, and Eric, and over two-thousand other people."

He couldn't be serious. "How did I miss it? No-no, first of all....why are there upgrades for humans? There's nothing about us worth upgrading!"

"That may be your opinion, but there are people who will say otherwise." Heidi's words sent chills down my back, especially in the spot I'd been poked in by Kira's strings.

This next bit, I struggle to understand. I know it's the truth, I just have trouble connecting the dots, and linking x to y. It's something, if I ever heard before this, I'd never believe. But now, it's the only thing that could explain how I got from first to second base.

Hybrid .4 (Book One of The Upgrade Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now