Hand In Hand (Epilogue)

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Uh, is this thing on?

Yo. Mic check, mic check.

It's on. Good.

Look, I don't have time for introductions. If anything, it's safer if my identity remains anonymous. Not just for me, for you too.

I've managed to intercept this recording, and before I send it under Trevor's name, I need to make a few things clear.



"Get out, Nat. I'm busy."

"Look, I'm sorry my Dad went all crazy and summoned that vestigivore. He hadn't meant to go that far-"

"Your father didn't just go crazy, he told us who he really was! Maybe next time, you should warn me when your Dad is actually Danny Birnie!"

"Well, how was I supposed to know?! If what your imaginary friend said was true-"

"He wasn't imaginary."

"Whatever he was, then my Dad was trying to protect the boundaries between the 0.4 and us! If all of the other 1.0 were to know about the 0.4, they'd go insane!"

"Isn't that the whole point of Strakerism?! To make the other 1.0 remember?!"

"Our point is to believe in them. Not bring them back from the dead."

"Just get out. I don't wanna see you anymore."

"Why not?!"

"Because, you could've stopped your Dad! Trevor warned you that your Dad would go out of his mind to destroy 0.4 if you let him, and you just stood there like an idiot!"

"I'm sorry, okay?!"

"Sorry doesn't bring back Kyle Straker and Lilly Dartington."


"What now?"

"Are we still friends?"

"Not a chance."


Finally, she's gone.

Sorry about that. That was just...someone I used to be friends with.

Anyways, as I said, something needs to be cleared up, in case the government ever gets their hands on this.

Obviously our Strakerism religion is heavily highlight throughout this, and we just want to make it clear: we want to keep peace. Trevor Tiorano said war is coming, but he didn't really mean it. Anti-Strakerites will trash every piece of evidence we get regarding Kyle Straker and 0.4, but it's our job to help them remember.

Because we remember the 0.4.

It's our philosophy.

....Thank you.

Hybrid .4 (Book One of The Upgrade Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now